SEncrypt is a secure & simple encryption library using SHA-512, AES-256-CBC, and BASE64. It provides easy-to-use methods for encrypting and decrypting data securely.
composer require shiwildy/sencrypt
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use ShiWildy\SEncrypt;
$plaintext = "Hello, just testing..";
$password = "secret";
try {
$encrypted = SEncrypt::encrypt($plaintext, $password);
echo "Encrypted: " . $encrypted . "\n\n";
$decrypted = SEncrypt::decrypt($encrypted, $password);
echo "Decrypted: " . $decrypted . "\n\n";
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "An error occurred: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
- Salt Generation: A random salt generated to enhance security.
- Key Derivation: Encryption key is derived from the provided password and generated salt using PBKDF2 Algoritm with SHA-512
- IV Generation: A random initialization vector [IV] generated for use on AES-256-CBC
- Combining Data: Salt, IV, and encrypted data are concatenated and then encoded using base64 to create final encrypted output.
- Base64 Decode: Encrypted data is first decoded from Base64.
- Data Extraction: salt, IV, and encrypted text are extracted from decoded data.
- Key Derivation: Decryption key is derived using same method in encryption.
- Decryption: Encrypted data is decrypted using derived key and IV.
- Output: Decrypted text returned.
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request for any enhancements or bug fixes.
This project licensed under The MIT License