NEWT - Nice and Easy Web Toolkit, a ReSTFul API for High Performance Computing.
#Modules The NEWT 2.0 is organized into 7 different, individually configurable modules. Each module is individually customizable by linking in a new adapter that conforms to the specification.
- Account: Gets information about users and groups on the system.
- Authentication: Deals with authentication of users.
- Command: Runs commands on the system.
- File: Create, remove, update, and delete objects in the file system.
- Job: Queues, monitors, and modifies jobs on the system.
- Status: Checks the status of each system.
- Stores: Provides a key-value storage system for applications using NEWT 2.0.
#Initial Setup NEWT 2.0 is shipped with a local implementation of each of its different modules so it will function out of the box
##Runtime Requirements
- python 2.7.* (
- pip (
- libmagic
- sqlite (or other database for Django)
##Python Package Dependencies
With pip: pip install -r requirements.txt
Without pip: install these packages manually:
- Django (
- filemagic (
- netaddr (
- pyOpenSSL (
- pytz (
- requests (
- wsgiref (
###Store Backend Packages
- pymongo (for MongoDB stores) (
- redis (for Redis stores) (
#Getting Started
file (soon to be easier to configure) contains global variables used to edit the functionality of NEWT 2.0.
can be edited, but it is recommended to create a
to overwrite the global variables to preserve the default settings. (See newt/
##Running the server
After changing any settings ./ syncdb
, then run ./manage runserver
to start the server.
#Adapting NEWT
Adapting any module of NEWT to your system is a relatively simple task given experience in Python and Django. In each module, there is an adapters
folder where new adapters should be placed. The specification for each adapter is given in <adapter_name>/adapters/
##Abridged Example (django_adapter for Account)
Say we want to create a new adapter for Account that uses the Django user model to obtain user information. We would first make a copy of
. To add functionality, we see that in the
of the Account module, there is a definition for get_user_info
def get_user_info(user_name=None, uid=None):
"""Returns information about the user
Keyword arguments:
user_name -- username
uid -- user id
We would edit the body of the function to make make calls to the Django user model to obtain the information we want:
def get_user_info(user_name, uid):
if uid:
user = User.objects.get(pk=uid)
elif user_name:
user = User.objects.get(username=user_name)
raise Exception() # Invalid arguments were given
user_dict = model_to_dict(user)
del user_dict["password"]
return user_dict
except Exception:
if user_name:
return json_response(
error="User not found: %s" % user_name
return json_response(
error="User ID not found: %s" % uid
Note: This is only one of the two required functions in the adapter; a full example can be seen in account/adapters/
A couple things to note:
- The function takes in arguments specified by the API url
- The function is allowed to return any Python object, not necessarily a Django response. NEWT automatically wraps the returned values in a Django response.
- To explicitly return a valid API response, use
json_response(status="status", status_code=http_status_code, error="optional_error_message")
##Adapter Extras
Adapters also support API calls that are not in the default API endpoints. By adding to patterns
(near the end of the sample adapter), the extras_router
(required in every adapter for now) will add them to NEWT.
is a tuple list in the form of:
(compiled_regex_exp, associated_function, request_required),
Note: The compiled_regex_exp must have named groups corresponding to the arguments of associated_function
Note: request_required tells NEWT to pass the request object to your function. If request_required is True
, the associated_function must have request as the first argument
patterns = (
(re.compile(r'/usage/(?P<path>.+)$'), get_usage, False),
(re.compile(r'/image/(?P<query>.+)$'), get_image, False),
(re.compile(r'/(?P<path>.+)$'), get_resource, False),
Some adapters may need to store application specific state in the Django database.
In this case you can define a Django model (see You should use place your models file in the adapters/ directory
and set the NEWT_CONFIG['ADAPTERS'][application]['models']
to point to this in
For example this is how you would get Django to store a credential object in the authnz adapter. Note that you need to specify the app_label in the Meta
section of your model to point to the parent application
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
class Cred(models.Model):
class Meta:
app_label = 'authnz'
cred = models.TextField()
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
'AUTH': {
'adapter': 'authnz.adapters.my_adapter',
'models': 'authnz.adapters.my_models',
##Authenticated functions and adapters
You can enable authenticated access to the API at two levels:
In the function for a given API resource, you can change the implementing view to inherit from AuthJSONRestView instead of JSONRestView.
eg. In the store adapter file, you will need to change
from newt.views import JSONRestView
class StoreView(JSONRestView):
def get(self, request, store_name):
from newt.views import AuthJSONRestView
class StoreView(AuthJSONRestView):
def get(self, request, store_name):
Inside your adapter you can use the login_required decorator to force authentication on a specific function eg. in file/adapters/
from common.decorators import login_required
# Add the login_required decorator to force authentication on get_machines()
def get_machines(request):
#Contributors to NEWT 2.0