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Using computer vision techniques and deep learning architectures build a facial keypoint (points around the eyes, nose, and mouth on a face) detection system: Youtube Database of Faces, PyTorch

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Facial Keypoint Detection in Python using CNNs with Pytorch and OpenCV

The basic idea here is to create and train a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) that will learn to detect facial keypoints (like corner of eyes, nose, mouth contour, eyebrows, face circumference etc.) in images of faces.

Here is an example of images that the CNN will train with (the keypoints are overlaid in pink): alt text In each image there is a single face along with 68 keypoints and the (x,y) coordinates of these keypoints. These face images have been extracted from the YouTube Database of faces and preprocessed to have keypoints associated with them.

Total number of images: 5770 Channels per image: 4 (RGBA): we'll be discarding alpha Number of images for training: 3462 Number of images for testing: 2308

The first notebook contains code for loading the data, visualizing some of this data to understand it better and setting up relevant transforms. Here, we see that the '/data/training_frames_keypoints.csv' file contains image names and corresponding facial keypoints as a 68x2 matrix (x and y coordinates for each of the 68 keypoints). Upon visualizing a few images we quickly realize that not all images are the same size and will need to standardized for training purposes.

Using and, we create our own dataset class to get batches of images and iterate over these images to test out the transforms on them for standardization purposes. The transforms for this data are:

  • ReScale - to make all images the same size
  • RandomCrop - to introduce translation invariance by cropping images randomly. To augment data, one technique to apply could be flipping of images to incorporate more of translation invariance. Data augmentation exposes the training model to additional variations without the cost of collecting and annotating more data. We're not augmenting the data with cropped images this time though. Just cropping the images for getting some translation invariance.
  • Normalize - to convert the color images to grayscale images where the pixel values are in the range [0,1] and the keypoints to be normalized so that they are centered around zero and are hence in a range -1, 1
  • ToTensor - to convert from numpy arrays to PyTorch tensors

Note: Instead of making these transforms as functions, we make them callable classes so any required params need not be sent in everytime these are called. To make them callable classes, the call method is implemented and if any params are needed then even the init method has been implemented. And note that ReScale should be called before RandomCrop.

The second notebook contains code to:

  • architect a CNN with images as input and keypoints as output
  • use the transforms from the previous notebook and get the transformed dataset
  • set up hyperparameters,train and tweak, as needed, the CNN on the training data
  • test how the model performs on the test data
  • visualize the features that the CNN was learning to recognize
  • visualize the feature maps (feature maps are just sets of filtered images; they are the images produced by applying a convolutional kernel to an input image)

The layers in the network architecture that I built look like:

  • (conv1): Conv2d(1, 16, kernel_size=(7, 7), stride=(1, 1))
  • (pool): MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2, padding=0, dilation=1, ceil_mode=False)
  • (conv2): Conv2d(16, 32, kernel_size=(5, 5), stride=(1, 1))
  • (conv3): Conv2d(32, 64, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1))
  • (conv4): Conv2d(64, 128, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1))
  • (conv5): Conv2d(128, 512, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1))
  • (fc1): Linear(in_features=8192, out_features=1024, bias=True)
  • (fc1_drop): Dropout(p=0.6)
  • (fc2): Linear(in_features=1024, out_features=136, bias=True)

I settled with the current architecture which has 5 convolutional layers and reduces the filter size from 7 to 5 to 3 eventually. This seems to do a decent job but I would have like to try out the one in the paper (perhaps with a GPU setup). Maxpool layer has been added between the first two convolutional layers to avoid overfitting along with a dropout layer (p=0.6) between the two fully connected layers at the end.

Number of Epochs = 3
Loss function = I used the Mean Squared Error loss function - MSELoss()
Optimizer = RMSProp
Learning rate = 0.0001

For the number of epochs, I started with 1 and when I thought I had a decent network I incremented it to 3 and then to 5. But 5 epochs was no better than 3 so I stayed at 3 epochs.
MSE loss function is suited for regression, which directly compares a predicted value and target value. I also tried L1Loss but got better results with MSE.
The RMSProp optimizer is an adaptive learning rate method which keeps a running average of the local gradient and adapts the learning rate by dividing it by the magnitude of the running gradient. I saw better results with RMSProp than Adam optimizer given my contrained epochs.

Visualizing Features

Here is a visualization of the features of a sample test image:
alt text

First Convolutional Layer sees this:

It appears that several filters try to detech edges - vertical and horizontal. The 6th one and the last one appear to be trying to blur out noise. The 4th one and the 6th one also seem to be isolating dark and bright regions. alt text

Last Convolutional Layer sees this:

Interestingly, for this layer's set of filtered images, we've reached a point where the network seems to be looking at the images as a whole mostly. alt text

The third notebook contains code to:

  • detect all faces in an image using OpenCV's HaarCascade classifier, and its detectMultiScale) method
  • transform the detected faces to grayscale and then to a tensor
  • use the model trained in the previous network to detect facial keypoints for the detected face

Here's an example image for which a face was detected, changed to grayscale, rescaled, normalized, changed to a tensor and then facial keypoints were also detected:

Original Image

Here's the resulting image with keypoints overlaid on top:

Image with Keypoints

As we see, the CNN model does decently well and approximates the keypoints to a good degree. It could certainly be made much better with more time and experimentation.


Using computer vision techniques and deep learning architectures build a facial keypoint (points around the eyes, nose, and mouth on a face) detection system: Youtube Database of Faces, PyTorch






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