This repository contains a collection of Python scripts to fetch secrets from Vaults or Secrets Managers and utilize them for various use cases. These scripts provide a convenient way to securely retrieve sensitive information stored in AWS Secrets Manager or Hashicorp Vault and use them in your applications or infrastructure. Each script focuses on a specific use case and provides a starting point for integrating secrets from AWS Secrets Manager into your applications or infrastructure.
Secret Fetcher: - A script to fetch a secret from AWS Secrets Manager and store it in an output file for later use in OpenShift Init containers.
Database Connection: - A script that demonstrates how to fetch database credentials from AWS Secrets Manager and establish a connection to a database.
API Key Integration: - A script that fetches an API key from AWS Secrets Manager and integrates it with an API client.
Environment Variables Setup: - A script that retrieves environment variable values from AWS Secrets Manager or Hashicorp Vault and sets them as environment variables for an application.
Browse through the repository's folders to find specific use cases of your interest.
Contributions are welcome! If you have any improvements, bug fixes, or additional examples related to fetch secrets, feel free to open a pull request. Please ensure your contributions adhere to the repository's coding standards and include relevant documentation.