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Administrative info

Nathan Somers edited this page Mar 23, 2023 · 1 revision

Some explanations

About the structure of the technical groups (Storage, Dollar Store IT, etc):

  • They are organized by shared technical subject. They are semi-malleable; if something would be better if it were changed, change it.
  • Feel free to join between all and none. There are GitHub teams set up that I'll (mostly) keep up to date, just as a reference.
  • The teams are intended to be predominantly autonomous and independent. If that means getting together in person or if everything happens over Matrix, we're leaving that up to teams and their members. However, should any problems arise (problems scheduling, logistic issues, people issues, etc.), feel free to reach out either in a DM or in the main chats.

Update on the state of the ACM back room:

  • Cabinet 6 (the second one from the back of Siebel 1110) is for GLUG exclusively. Servers, tools, and anything else useful will be in that cabinet. In general, put stuff back where you find it, and ask if you don't know how to use something. Other than that, do what you need to do.
  • Cabinet 7 (the farthest back cabinet in Siebel 1110) is locked. Nathan, Sam, and Evan have keys. The goal is to keep a minimal amount of things in there, but a good example is GLUG's 2070 GPU when it is not installed in a machine. Items that are locked up should be notated in the inventory spreadsheet.
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