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Laravel Notes

These notes relate to creating a Q&A system.

Initialising a project

  1. laravel new <projectName>
  2. cd <projectName>
  3. Set-up database
  4. Update .env with database name
  5. php artisan make:auth

Schema & Migrations

php artisan make:model <ModelName> -m

Example schema:

$table->timestamp('updated_at')->default(DB::raw('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'));

Setting foreign key


This sets a foreign key for 'user_id' to the 'id' in the 'users' table. It also auto-removes all rows related to the user if their record is deleted from the users table.

php artisan migrate

Setting relationship

In Question.php:

protected $fillable = ['title', 'body'];

 * Questions belong to users:
public function user() {
    return $this->belongsTo(User::class);

In User.php:

 * Users may have many questions:
public function questions()
    return $this->hasMany(Question::class);

Make a Controller with a Resource and Model

In web.php:

Route::resource('questions', 'QuestionsController');

NOTE: You could also do the following to be more specific:

Route::get('/dummy', 'DummyController@index');
Route::post('/dummy', 'DummyController@store');
Route::delete('/dummy', 'DummyController@destroy');


php artisan make:controller QuestionsController --resource --model=Question

The --resource flag adds the following to the controller:

Flag Description
index() Display a listing of the resource.
create() Show the form for creating a new resource.
store() Store a newly created resource in storage.
show() Display the specified resource.
edit() Show the form for editing the specified resource.
update() Update the specified resource in storage.
destroy() Remove the specified resource from storage.

The --model=Question flag indicates which model to use.


In QuestionsController.php
Get all questions but show only the latest 5 initially:

$questions = Question::latest()->paginate(5);

Pass data to a view

In QuestionsController.php

return view('questions.index', compact('questions'));

String Manipulation

// Limit string length:
str_limit( $original, 100 );


// Show pagination links:
{{ $questions->links() }}

Override Laravel items

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-pagination

Defining attributes that aren't in Models

In index.blade.php we can specify $question->url, $question->user->url and $question->created_dateĂź:

<div class="media-body">
    <h3 class="mt-0"><a href="{{ $question->url }}">{{ $question->title }}</a></h3>
    <p class="lead">
        Asked by <a href="{{ $question->user->url }}">{{ $question->user->name }}</a>
        <small class="text-muted">{{ $question->created_date }}</small>
    {{ str_limit($question->body, 100) }}

We therefore need to create the attribute accssors in the Question.php model:

 * Attribute accessor for $question->url required in the view:
public function getUrlAttribute()
    return route('', $this->id);

 * Accessor for $question->created_date:
public function getCreatedDateAttribute()
    return $this->created_at->diffForHumans();

...and in User.php:

 * Attribute accessor for $question->user->url required in the view:
public function getUrlAttribute()
    // return route('', $this->id);
    return '#';

Dynamic class names via accessors

If we have:

<div class="status {{ $question->status }}">

then we can create an accessor for the class setting:

 * Accessor for $question->status:
 * Returns a class name relevant to the answered status of the question.
public function getStatusAttribute()
    if ($this->answers > 0) {
        if($this->best_answer_id) {
            return 'answered-accepted';
        return 'answered';
    return 'unanswered';

Tinker examples

>>> $q = App\Question::first();

>>> $q->created_at;

>>> $q->created_at->diffForHumans();

>>> $q->created_at->format('Y-m-d H:i');

Add Laravel debug bar

composer require barryvdh/laravel-debugbar --dev

Eager loading from database

Lazy loading is where multiple queries are used to extract database data:

$questions = Question::latest()->paginate(5);

The above results in 5 calls to get user data! This can be overcome by adding a with() clause that makes use of the model relationships we created earlier:

$questions = Question::with('user')->latest()->paginate(5);

This line is found in QuestionsController.php

Inline routing

<a href="{{ route('questions.create') }}" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">Ask Question</a>
<form action="{{ route('') }}" method="post" class="form">


Error feedback


<input type="text" class="form-control {{ $errors->has('title') ? 'is-invalid' : '' }}" name="title" id="title" aria-describedby="helptitle" placeholder="Your question here">

@if ( $errors->has('title') )
    <div class="invalid-feedback">
        <strong>{{ $errors->first('title') }}</strong>
    <small id="helptitle" class="form-text text-muted">Keep it short!</small>


We'll use a seperate file for the validation of form submissions (requests), so: php artisan make:request AskQuestionRequest Now open app\Http\Requests\AskQuestionRequest.php to add validations/rules.

public function rules()
    return [
        'title' => 'required|min=5|max=255',
        'body' =>'required|min=5'

In QuestionsController.php modify the store() function:

public function store(AskQuestionRequest $request)
    // Get current user via questions relationship:
    $request->user()->questions()->create( $request->only('title', 'body') );
    //                  ^ adds user_id

    return redirect()->route('questions.index')->with('success', "Your question has been submitted.");

...and import the AskQuestionRequest file:

use App\Http\Requests\AskQuestionRequest;


Add 'edit' button to right of record's title:

<div class="d-flex align-items-center">
    <h3 class="mt-0"><a href="{{ $question->url }}">{{ $question->title }}</a></h3>
    <div class="ml-auto">
        <a href="{{ route('questions.edit', $question->id) }}" class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-info mr-1">Edit</a>

Note the {{ route('questions.edit', $question->id) }} in the href.

Showing old/editable values

{{ old('title', $question->title) }}

Save edited data

In QuestionsController.php modify the update() function:

public function update(AskQuestionRequest $request, Question $question)
    $question->update( $request->only(['title', 'body']) );
    return redirect(route('questions.index'))->with('success', 'Your question has been updated.');

Note the update(AskQuestionRequest... parameter.

Delete a record

In QuestionsController.php:

public function destroy(Question $question)
    return redirect(route('questions.index'))->with('success', "That question has now been deeted.");

Escaped output with new-lines too

{!! nl2br(e($question->body)) !!}

Override controller method

In web.php:

// Let a resource handle all routes except 'show':
Route::resource('questions', 'QuestionsController')->except('show');

// Show question details using the slug - instead of the (default) question id:
Route::get('/questiosns/{slug}', 'QuestionsController@show')->name('');

In RouteServiceProvider.php:

public function boot()
    Route::bind('slug', function($slug) {
        // $question = Question::where('slug', $slug)->first();
        // return $question ? $question : abort(404);
        // ...or:
        return Question::where('slug', $slug)->first() ?? abort(404);


Clean output with whitelisted HTML

First install "purifier" using composer require mews/purifier then:

{!! clean(nl2br($question->body)) !!}

This will allow whitelisted HTML such as <style> and <em>, but not <script>


By Gate

In AuthServiceProvider.php's boot() method:

// Is user authz to edit this question?:
\Gate::define('update-question', function($user, $question) {
    // Match current user with tha of the question:
    return $user->id == $question->user_id;

// Is user authz to delete this quetsion?:
\Gate::define('delete-question', function($user, $question) {
    // Match current user with tha of the question:
    return $user->id == $question->user_id;

In QuestionsController.php's edit() method:

if (\Gate::denies('update-question', $question)) {
    abort(403, "You don't have access to that question!");
return view('questions.edit', compact('question'));

To use the Gates add the following to your template:

@if (Auth::user()->can('delete-question', $question))

NOTE This says: If the user is logged-in, can they delete this question.

By Policy

Set-up policy

First we need to set-up a policy for the Question model:
php artisan make:policy QuestionPolicy --model=Question

Add method checks in the policy

Then in app\Policies\QuestionPolicy.php we can add our auth checks in the relevant (update & delete) methods:

public function update(User $user, Question $question)
    // If the current user is the creator of the question, allow update:
    return $user->id === $question->user_id;

public function delete(User $user, Question $question)
    // If the current user is the creator of the question AND the question
    // has NO answer then deletion is allowed:
    return $user->id === $question->user_id && $question->answers < 1;

Map policy to model

Now map the Question model to Question policy in AuthServiceProvider.php:

use App\Question;
use App\Policies\QuestionPolicy;
protected $policies = [
    Question::class => QuestionPolicy::class,

Add authz to controller

In QuestionsController.php method(s) add:

$this->authorize('<methodName>', $question);

where <methodName> is 'view', 'create', 'update', 'delete', 'restore' or 'forceDelete'.

Use authz in views

@if (Auth::user()->can('<methodName>', $question))
    // Show something:


@can('<methodName>', $question)
    // Show something:

Authz on all methods (with exceptions)

In QuestionsController.php add a constructor:

public function __construct() {
    $this->middleware('auth', ['except' => ['index', 'show']]);

Enabling answers to questions

Make the Answer model

php artisan make:model Answer -m

Now add fields to te model:

Schema::create('answers', function (Blueprint $table) {
    $table->timestamp('updated_at')->default(DB::raw('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'));

...then php artisan migrate

Create relationships

In Question.php and User.php add:

 * Define relationship - Questions may have many answers:
public function answers()
    return $this->hasMany(Answer::class);

In Answer.php add:

 * Answers belong to questions:
public function question()
    return $this->belongsTo(Question::class);

 * Answers belong to users:
public function user()
   return $this->belongsTo(User::class);

Add migration to rename answers column in questions table

php artisan make:migration rename_answers_in_questions_table --table=questions
...then: composer require doctrine/dbal
...then: php artisan migrate

??? TODO: Did I miss something here?

Make an answer factory

php artisan make:factory AnswerFactory

** 6:17 Generating fake answers part 1 of 2 **


My Laravel notes






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