This repository contains several examples demonstrating how to instrument Java applications for Prometheus.
All examples can be packaged as container images for easy deployment.
Create a shared network for all the containers.
docker network create prometheus
Start the applications.
(cd jmx_exporter && docker-compose up -d)
docker run --rm -d -p 8081:8080 --network prometheus --name client_java
docker run --rm -d -p 8082:8080 --network prometheus --name mp_metrics
docker run --rm -d -p 8083:8080 --network prometheus --name micrometer
docker run --rm -d -v $PWD/prometheus/prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml -p 9090:9090 --network prometheus --name prometheus prom/prometheus:latest
Verify that everything is running fine.
docker ps
You can access the Prometheus UI at http://localhost:9090/
You can generate some load
docker run --rm -d --network prometheus --name loadtest \
-concurrent 10 -rate 5 \
-uri http://client_java:8080/hello \
-uri http://mp_metrics:8080/hello \
-uri http://micrometer:8080/hello
Retrieve the metrics exposed by the endpoint:
curl http://localhost:9098/metrics
In the Prometheus UI, query the percentage of CPU consumed by Kafka (including the exporter):
100 * rate(process_cpu_seconds_total{job="kafka"}[1m])
Retrieve the metrics exposed by the endpoint:
curl http://localhost:8081/metrics
In the Prometheus UI, query the resident memory consumed by the application:
In the Prometheus UI, query the total percentage of CPU consumed for all applications instrumented with the Prometheus libraries:
100 * sum by(job) (rate(process_cpu_seconds_total[1m]))
Retrieve the metrics exposed by the endpoint:
curl http://localhost:8082/metrics
Retrieve only the base metrics exposed by the endpoint (base
can be replaced by vendor
or application
curl http://localhost:8082/metrics/base
Retrieve the metric metadata:
curl -H "Accept: application/json" -XOPTIONS http://localhost:8082/metrics
In the Prometheus UI, query the ratio of request failures:
100 * rate(application:requests_failed_total[1m]) / rate(application:requests_total[1m])
Query all the response time percentiles:
Query the 99th-percentile response time:
Retrieve the metrics exposed by the endpoint:
curl http://localhost:8083/actuator/prometheus
In the Prometheus UI, query the rate of requests by status code for the /hello
sum by (job,status) (rate(http_server_requests_seconds_count{uri="/hello"}[1m]))
Query the 99th-percentile response time for the all endpoints:
histogram_quantile(0.99, sum by (job,uri,le) (rate(http_server_requests_seconds_bucket[1m])))
Query the rate of request failures for the /hello
100 * sum by (job) (rate(http_server_requests_seconds_count{uri="/hello",status=~"5.+"}[1m])) / sum by (job) (rate(http_server_requests_seconds_count{uri="/hello"}[1m]))
Apache License 2.0, see LICENSE.