A realtime intra application communication network.
Waggle allows applications to communicate using the socket.io client (version >1.0), services are configured using json files placed in the config/services
Services are top level with resources and resource ids under them. DMS for instance, has a requirement for realtime notification of each user viewing a document.
Working with waggle is relatively easy, there is a vagrant set up in the root of the project directory so you just need to run the following and you are sorted.
** This will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete **
vagrant up; vagrant ssh; clear; vagrant ssh;
Running the application in a production environment requires the following managing applications
Git is required to get the packages and build-essential for compiling node
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git build-essential
Bear in mind that when you run the install command from nodenv it will compile node from source, it is recommended that you have at least 2GB of ram and 2 CPUs assigned to the server you are building on.
# Logged in as the user for the service
git clone https://github.com/OiNutter/nodenv.git ~/.nodenv
git clone https://github.com/OiNutter/node-build.git ~/.nodenv/plugins/node-build
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.nodenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'eval "$(nodenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc
. ~/.bashrc
type nodenv # This should return #=> "nodenv is a function"
nodenv install 0.11.10
nodenv rehash
nodenv exec npm install -g pm2 # This may need to be run as root (sudo)
sudo apt-get install redis-server
Ensure redis is running with sudo service redis-server status
and if not then run sudo service redis-server start
pm2 start main.js --name=waggle --node-args="--harmony" --watch
Services are added to the application using json files in the config/services
directory. They should look something like this:
"name": "dms",
"resources": [
"namespace": "/document/view",
"required": [ "fullname", "username", "extension" ],
"unique": "username",
"add_keys": [ "@timestamp" ]
- Name {string} The name refers to the name of the application or service, all socket.io namespaces will be prefixed with this
- Resources {object} Resources refer to the categories of end points (a document, support chat, etc.)
- Namespace {string} Is the internal namespace of the resource, socket.io-client would connect to the "/dms/document/view" namespace in this case
- Required {array} An array of the required fields that connecting clients have to send to the server
- Unique {string} The data item supplied by the client connection to be used
- Add_Keys {array}
An array of keys to add to the client data object
- if prepended with a @ the value of the field will be the return value of the method named after the key