ConsenSys Academy Final Project 2021
A dapp that aims to give value to content created by 'influencers' on social media. The creators will have the opportunity to sell their instagram pictures as NFTs.
By using chainlink the dapp will be able to access real wolrd data from a social media platform e.g.Instagram. The content produced by the user using our dapp, could be sold as an NFT.
NFT creation and mining will be dependent to the virality of the post. In particular, the numbers of the NFT available will decrease depending on the likes that the post have received over some predefined periods of time or reaction ammount.
- client: The front-end application implemented with ReactJs and by using the web3.js library in js
- contracts: Contains the contract
- test: The unit test of the contract.
Due to time limitations, I didn't manage to deploy my contract to a testnet or upload the interface to a hosting server. It is only deployed and tested locally.
- npm : 6.14.15
- nodejs : 12.22.8
- ganache : 2.5.4
- Truffle : 5.4.23
- solidity : 0.8.0
- web3js : 1.5.3
You sould have truffle and ganache installed. Ganache should run.
Clone the project and run truffle deploy --reset
For the frontend deployment
cd client
npm install
npm start
Open http://localhost:3000/ and connect Metamask to the network that contract was deployed
truffle test