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Example: Scripts Pipeline

Lorenzo Mangani edited this page Apr 6, 2018 · 11 revisions

Pipeline Scripts

paStash can serve all sorts of script emitting JSON objects for distribution and post-processing. In this example, we'll use the input of ppsguard to power a gauge using the statsd protocol.

scola-pastash (colander)
input {
  udp {
    host =>
    port => 1234

filter {
  json_fields {}

output {
  studout {}
  statsd {
      host => localhost
      port => 8125
      metric_type => gauge
      metric_key => pps
  influxdb {
      host => localhost
      port => 8089
      protocol => udp
      metric_type => counter
      metric_key => pps

PPS Counter producer

npm install -g ppsguard
ppsguard --max_pps=100 --interface eth0 --udp


0|pastash  | [STDOUT] {
0|pastash  |   "cpu": 1.50927734375,
0|pastash  |   "pps": 101.996651754871111,
0|pastash  |   "mean": 141.236352751854155,
0|pastash  |   "message": "WARNING!"
0|pastash  |   "timestamp": "2018-01-02T17:33:44.737Z",
0|pastash  | }


PPS to Splunk using PM2

This example will produce PPS/CPU metrics using ppsguard and ship them to Splunk using pastash


create new pastash pipeline config at /opt/pastash/ppsguard.conf
input {
  udp {
    host =>
    port => 18911

filter {
  json_fields {}

output {
  splunk {
    token => "XXX-YYY-ZZZ"
    source => "ppsGuard"
    index => "your-lovely-index"
    sourcetype => "_json"
    splunk_url => ""
    flat => true


create pm2 init file for ppsguard and pastash_pps in /opt/pastash/ppsguard_init.yml
 - script: ppsguard
   name: 'ppsguard'
   autorestart: true
   args: ['--interface', 'eth0', '--max_pps', '100', '--limit_every', 'second', '--udp', '']
 - script: pastash
   name: 'pastash_pps'
   autorestart: true
   args: ['--config_file=/opt/pastash/ppsguard.conf']
start the new services:
pm2 start /opt/pastash/ppsguard_init.yml
verify the service:
pm2 list
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