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AA120Q Assignment Notebooks



1. Open Pluto:

- Run `julia` in a terminal.
- Within Julia, run:
    using Pluto
    - This should open Pluto in your browser.
        - If not, checkout the Pluto output for the URL (likely http://localhost:1234/):
        ┌ Info:
        └ Opening http://localhost:1234/ in your default browser... ~ have fun!

2. Open the desired notebook from Pluto through this box (<PATH_TO_AA120Q>/assignments/<DESIRED_NOTEBOOK.jl>):

- Click `Run notebook code` (on the top right).

3. Complete the assignment.

4. Submit

  1. Export this notebook as a PDF (how-to in the documentation)
  2. Upload the PDF to Gradescope
  3. Tag your pages on Gradescope

Assignment Overview

# Title Link Version Description
1 Estimating π html v2025.0.2 Implement Buffon's needle experiment to estimate π through simulation. Learn about random sampling, statistical convergence, and visualization of results.
2 Learning Aircraft Encounter Models html v2025.0.2 Develop probabilistic models of aircraft encounters using Bayesian networks. Implement methods for learning both initial conditions and dynamic transitions from data.
3 Encounter Simulation and Analysis html v2025.0.2 Generate and analyze aircraft encounter scenarios. Focus on safety metrics, particularly near mid-air collision (NMAC) analysis in simulated encounters.
4 Simple Collision Avoidance System html v2025.0.1 Design and implement a basic collision avoidance system. Evaluate system performance through safety and efficiency metrics, exploring fundamental trade-offs in system design.
5 CAS Design html v2025.0.1 Design and implement a more refined collision avoidance system. Build on insights from the simple CAS to create improved collision avoidance logic and demonstrate enhanced performance.
6 Additional Analysis html v2025.0.1 Conduct in-depth analysis of your collision avoidance system design. Evaluate improvements, assess performance gains, and provide discussions on system capabilities and limitations.