The PureScript version of the Sitebender operations module.
The goal here (this is a WIP) is to be able to do calculations with composed functions generated from a JSON configuration object. Here is one example (not formally defined yet):
"tag": "SubtractOp",
"minuend": {
"tag": "AddOp",
"addends": [
"tag": "FromFormInputOp",
"name": "x",
"datatype": "OpInt"
"tag": "FromSessionStoreOp",
"key": "y",
"datatype": "OpInt"
"tag": "FromArgumentOp",
"datatype": "OpInt"
"subtrahend": {
"tag": "MultiplyOp",
"multipliers" : [
"tag": "FromFormInputOp",
"name": "h",
"datatype": "OpInt"
"tag": "DivideOp",
"dividend": {
"tag": "FromFormInputOp",
"name": "m",
"datatype": "OpInt"
"divisor": {
"tag": "FromLocalStorageOp",
"name": "n",
"datatype": "OpInt"
"tag": "FromUrlParamOp",
"key": "k",
"datatype": "OpInt"
This generates the following function:
makeOperation json = (\v -> ((x + y + v) - (h * (m / n) * k)))
Where v
is passed in to the function (FromArgument
), x
, h
, m
are from form inputs (FromFormInput
), y
comes from sessionStorage (FromSessionStorage
), n
from localStorage (FromLocalStorage
), and k
is from a URL parameter (FromUrlParam
returns a composed function that when called retrieves all the data, does the calculation, and returns the result – a value or an array of errors.
An "operation", then, is anything that returns a value. These can be nested to form a tree where all the leaves are operations that directly return a value, and the nodes are operations that act on those values in some way.
You can see how this could be used to create, for example, a spreadsheet.
This is one module in a set of modules that will include a renderer/component library, a builder (no-code site generator), and a pub-sub system/event bus. Together, they will allow the creation of entire websites (or any part thereof) from fairly simple JSON configurations. In the builder's case, it will create the configuration in a WYSIWYG manner.