Releases: six2dez/reconftw
Releases · six2dez/reconftw
What's Changed
- Updated amass v3 config.ini by @six2dez in #884
- Adding Metafinder & Whois to installed tools check. by @0xAW in #889
- Fix touch errors in multi-recon by ensuring directories exist before file operations by @whiskeykilo in #894
- Add soft notfication to multi recon mode by @whiskeykilo in #895
- Added Cloudhunter, improved webs_nuclei.txt , passed webs_nuclei to gf instead. by @kleozzy in #896
- Dev by @six2dez in #898
- Add proxmox Deployment Script by @wanetty in #905
- Dev by @six2dez in #910
New Contributors
- @0xAW made their first contribution in #889
- @whiskeykilo made their first contribution in #894
- @wanetty made their first contribution in #905
Full Changelog: v2.9...v2.9.1
- API leak checks SwaggerSpy and porch-pirate
- 3rd parties misconfigs with misconfig-mapper
- JS sourcemaps check with sourcemapper and jsluice
- IP geolocation info
- for sending huge results zip files
- Improved trufflehog detection
- Updated mind map
- IIS short names added
- Password leaks with LeakSearch
- PPfuzz replaced by ppmap
- Brutespray and nomore403 updated
- Nucleus fuzzing parameters
- Added p1radup
What's Changed
- fix apileaks by @six2dez in #813
- swaggerspy fix by @six2dez in #814
- swaggerspy output by @six2dez in #816
- Fix capitalization Mantra -> mantra by @kleozzy in #820
- Fix Apileak paths by @kleozzy in #822
- Dev by @six2dez in #823
- Dev by @six2dez in #825
- trufflehog arguments fix by @six2dez in #826
- Dev by @six2dez in #830
- fix geoinfo - git update - web mode by @six2dez in #832
- Dev by @six2dez in #834
- comment by @six2dez in #835
- Dev by @six2dez in #840
- Merge 20240227 by @rt-bast in #838
- Dev by @six2dez in #841
- Fix installer by @six2dez in #843
- push wapiti installer by @six2dez in #844
- Dev by @six2dez in #847
- Dev by @six2dez in #848
- final fix? maybe by @six2dez in #849
- Tool installation fixes mainly by @kleozzy in #853
- Fix brutespray Calling by @kleozzy in #860
- Dev by @six2dez in #861
- Fix nuclei fuzzing by @kleozzy in #862
- fix iis shortname scanner dir creations by @kleozzy in #864
- Optimize vuln scan speed and efficiency by @kleozzy in #866
- fix the fuzzparams function with the -fuzz flag by @j0hnZ3RA in #865
- Dev by @six2dez in #867
- Alot of fixes + ffufpostprocessing by @kleozzy in #868
- Add soft flag for p1radup to allow same host different path by @kleozzy in #869
- Detecting arm systems that are not RPIs by @Marmeus in #870
- Dev by @six2dez in #872
- fix 3rd parties var by @six2dez in #874
- replaced with by @six2dez in #875
- Fix filename for oshi by @six2dez in #876
- Dev by @six2dez in #882
New Contributors
- @rt-bast made their first contribution in #838
- @j0hnZ3RA made their first contribution in #865
- @Marmeus made their first contribution in #870
Full Changelog: v2.8.1...v2.9
Main changes
- Removed web interface
- Added postman search
- Replaced byp4xx with dontgo403
What's Changed
- Update requirements.txt by @six2dez in #791
- Update by @six2dez in #794
- Ip geo_info (from dev) by @lorenzocamilli in #801
- Shodan vulns and ports by @lorenzocamilli in #802
- Patch 1 by @Kr1shna4garwal in #803
- Fix Mantra is not found by @abdilahrf in #804
- Update by @six2dez in #806
- Update by @six2dez in #807
- Dev by @six2dez in #809
New Contributors
- @lorenzocamilli made their first contribution in #801
- @Kr1shna4garwal made their first contribution in #803
- @abdilahrf made their first contribution in #804
Full Changelog: v2.7.1.1...v2.8
- Security controls for tampered CSP/domains entries
- Removed subgpt as it no longer works
- Print nuclei results with axiom
- Added postleaksNG
- Option to update tools before running the tool
- Added custom nuclei templates path option
- Installer improvements
What's Changed
- Output msgs by @six2dez in #729
- Dev by @six2dez in #730
- update banners by @six2dez in #731
- Fix banners and dir creation by @six2dez in #732
- Add backup feature projects.html by @ddaniboy in #735
- Add backup feature by @ddaniboy in #736
- add backup feature by @ddaniboy in #737
- Add CodeQL workflow by @jorgectf in #738
- Fix list scan feature front-end by @ddaniboy in #741
- Fix list scan feature back-end by @d3vchac in #742
- Dev by @six2dez in #743
- Dev by @six2dez in #745
- sigle scan feature fix by @ddaniboy in #746
- Dev by @six2dez in #753
- Dev by @six2dez in #754
- Added --auto to script by @lwears in #755
- Dev by @six2dez in #757
- fix installer by @six2dez in #758
- update style for upload image by @AlishahMughal123 in #756
- Update by @gowthamaraj in #767
- Dev by @six2dez in #772
- Fixed urless installation check by @nicola-pesavento in #774
- Dev by @six2dez in #779
- Fix hostname on web server by @six2dez in #780
- infoga final remove by @six2dez in #781
- Improving custom mode by @six2dez in #782
- Dev by @six2dez in #785
New Contributors
- @lwears made their first contribution in #755
- @AlishahMughal123 made their first contribution in #756
- @gowthamaraj made their first contribution in #767
- @nicola-pesavento made their first contribution in #774
Full Changelog: v2.7...v2.7.1
- Removed unimap
- Improved GH repos scan, Trufflehog + gitleaks
- Added Mantra for JS secrets
- Removed bbrf
- New random banner by @720922
- Better and improved web fuzzing
- crt replaces ctfr
- web server fixes
- vulners replaces searchsploit
- Shellcheck compliant
- Preparing to move to MIT license
- Timeout fixes
- Dynamic gowitness timeout
- Added nuclei fuzzing templates on vulns_check
What's Changed
- Add credit on subdomain wordlist by @n0kovo in #680
- fixed an error for url_check function with axiom by @Cyberkid02 in #682
- Dev by @six2dez in #683
- fix web installer by @six2dez in #684
- Fixes for webUI installation and setting up by @six2dez in #686
- Python3.10 requirement by @six2dez in #688
- amass latest version by @six2dez in #690
- Update Dockerfile to install all reconFTW tool by @sam5epi0l in #695
- Huge ton of small fixes by @six2dez in #700
- docs(readme): refactor documentation for reconFTW and Terraform/Ansible by @AnonymousWP in #701
- If-else by @d3vchac in #702
- Dev by @six2dez in #705
- Fix screenshots_f2db by @d3vchac in #706
- docs(readme): improve Docker documentation by @AnonymousWP in #707
- Fix Error DisallowedHost at / Invalid HTTP_Host Header by @pikpikcu in #708
- Dev by @six2dez in #709
- Dev by @six2dez in #710
- Dev by @six2dez in #712
- Dev by @six2dez in #716
- gowitness flags by @six2dez in #717
- Implemented Randomized Banner Output by @720922 in #718
- Fix timeout -k implementation error by @N1CK5V in #725
- remove The Harvester from API Keys by @ddaniboy in #726
- Dev by @six2dez in #727
New Contributors
- @n0kovo made their first contribution in #680
- @Cyberkid02 made their first contribution in #682
- @sam5epi0l made their first contribution in #695
- @AnonymousWP made their first contribution in #701
- @d3vchac made their first contribution in #702
- @pikpikcu made their first contribution in #708
- @N1CK5V made their first contribution in #725
Full Changelog: v2.6...v2.7
- Added @n0kovo subdomain wordlist for DEEP mode, dropped assetnore's best_dns_wordlist
- Back to interlace, dropped rush
- Back to @lc gau as default passive url collector, only for deep mode for performance reasons
- Added @r0oth3x49 ghauri as option for deep sqli
- Added @hakluke hakip2host instead of dnsx for PTR lookup
- 100K (or even more) different fixes
- Removed theHarvester, h8mail and pwndb as they never work, I have a replacement in the backlog ;)
- Fixed JSA with interlace from @gprime31
- THE WEB INTERFAAAAAAAAACE @lur1el @d3vchac @ddaniboy
What's Changed
- Katana replacing gospider by @six2dez in #653
- feat/makefile by @nicoandmee in #652
- Makefile by @six2dez in #654
- fix(deleteoutscoped): if string is not null by @osxtest in #656
- Dev by @six2dez in #658
- fixed by @six2dez in #661
- Dev by @six2dez in #662
- ReconFTW Web Interface by @lur1el in #665
- Update install_webserver by @ddaniboy in #667
- Six2dez patch 1 by @six2dez in #678
- v2.6 by @six2dez in #679
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.5.2...v2.6
- coming back to Trickest resolvers
- waymore now replaces waybackurls and gau
- Added gitlab-subdomains
- Usage of new ffuf hashmap feature for ssrf detection
- amass freezed version on v3.20.0
- Added byp4xx
- Fixes on send2zip
- urless on js extraction
What's Changed
- a typo by @ab2pentest in #630
- Dev by @six2dez in #631
- fix amass by @six2dez in #632
- Fix params by @six2dez in #633
- fix nuclei by @six2dez in #635
- sendtozip fixed by @six2dez in #637
- Added sudo file instructions to the main file by @kleozzy in #640
- refactor: unused entry for git repository install section by @kharaone in #642
- refactor: add urless for js/url_extract_js.txt by @osxtest in #646
- refactor: numeric sort fuzzing_full.txt by @osxtest in #645
- Dev by @six2dez in #647
New Contributors
- @kleozzy made their first contribution in #640
- @kharaone made their first contribution in #642
- @osxtest made their first contribution in #646
Full Changelog: v2.5.1...v2.5.2
What's Changed
- Update to resolver patch by @0x10f2c in #604
- Dev by @six2dez in #605
- Resolvers update by @six2dez in #606
- Fixing urless by @ab2pentest in #626
- ExploitDB was moved to gitlab by @ab2pentest in #625
- Dev by @six2dez in #628
- Fix resolvers by @six2dez in #629
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.5...v2.5.1