Releases: skarra/ASynK
oAuth Support for Google Contacts synching
Experimental oAuth support for Google Contacts
Has multiple minor fixes related to CardDAV. But the biggest new feature is oAuth support for linking up with Google Contacts. Go through the README file for the oauth support.
Like-pair sync support
This release supports like-pair synching. This means you can now use ASynK, for e.g., to copy contacts from one google account to another. As always this copy/synchronisation works at a Folder level, so you could synchronize your My Contacts from your Work email address to a specific folder in your personal Gmail account.
Microsoft Exchange Support
Stable release for MS Exchange support.
- It has been tested with Exchange Online / Office 365. However it should work with Exchange Servers 2007_SP1 onwards.
- This release incudes a new submoduel. Ensure you fetch the code for that repo as well.
- There are some additional python package dependencies that have been added. Install the dependencies in the requirements.txt file.
- The config.json format has changed to accomodate the requirements of a new datastore. Your config will be seamlessly upgraded to the new format
Experimental Microsoft Exchange Support
v2.0.0-rc2 Release v2.0.0-rc2
Major release including CardDAV support
It's been a while since had a release. There have been a few release candidates for this release, and there have not been any complains so far. So what the hell ... let's have the first major release of ASynK in a long. Ladies & Gentlemen - please welcome, ASynK v1.0.0