명지하철(Myong ji ha chul)
A website where you can find out the shortest distance and minimum subway transfer distance.
I ignored node_modules, .env of docker, client and servers. These files involve
DB information, JWT secrete, client and server origin. Therefore, you have to
install modules and create .env file and set it first.
Backend: Express, Typescript, JWT
Frontend: React, Javascript
Database: mysql, typeorm(ORM)
Infra: Docker, Nginx, HTTPS
├─ data/
│ ├─ certbot/
│ ├─ nginx/
│ │ ├─ app.conf
│ ├─ thumbnail.png
├─ frontend/
├─ backend/
├─ docker-compose.yml
├─ init-letsencrypt.sh
├─ init.sql
├─ README.md
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.