Releases: sky-map-team/stardroid
1.10.4 - RC1
Bugfixes and Norwegian translations.
1.10.1-RC2 Pointer Mode
More Kotlinization.
New pointer mode.
Improved calibration dialog.
1.10.0-RC3 Comet Leonard
Major refactoring since the last public release. Partial transformation into Kotlin and removal of a lot of duplicated code. Not all the way there yet, but improved enough that I dared to add a feature: Comet Leonard.
Comet Leonard and a big refactoring
Over the last year I've been gradually converting it to Kotlin and cleaning up some of the code. The codebase has always been a bit of a tangled mess because we threw it together in a hurry. Back in 2009 most of our energy was absorbed in just figuring out how Android and its sensors worked, mostly by trial and error. There wasn't much time for design or style. During the clean up I must have discovered 3 different methods for converting a vector into Ra and Dec, or bounding an angle between 0 and 2 Pi etc. Duplication is everywhere. There's still a long way to go...but I finally feel confident enough to add a new feature, albeit a modest one.
More to come.
1.9.7 - RC1
Some Persian translations.
1.9.6 - RC6
As 1.9.6-RC5 but with a Chinese translation.
1.9.6 - RC5
As 1.9.6-RC4 but includes a Spanish translation.
1.9.6 - RC4
Fixes the Jupiter/Saturn ordering and adds the great conjunction to Time Travel.
1.9.6 - RC3
It didn't. Let's try updating the proto version instead.