This repository includes the state estimator and the terrain estimator for the quadruped. The state estimator using Linear Kalman to estimate the position and velocity of the quadruped centroid. The terrain estimator estimates the normal vector of the quadruped located ground. The algorithm is validated on real robot Aliengo and can be deployed to other quadruped robots.
The project depends on Pinocchio, Eigen, ROS and runs on ubuntu2004.
You can follow the tutorial to install ROS Noetic.
The version we use is Eigen 3.3.9. You can download the source code from the official website and install it.
Pinocchio can be installed from tutorial.
mkdir -p catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
- Establish communication with the quadruped.
cd catkin_ws
sudo su
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun aliengo_control aliengo_low_level_node
- Run the state estimator and the terrain estimator.
mon launch kf_estimator LegSlam_bringup.launch
- Visualize with RVIZ
mon launch kf_estimator rviz.launch
- aliengo_control: communicate with aliengo.
- cheetah_msgs: custom msg.
- unitree_description: Robot urdf model, used for forward kinematics.
- kf_estimator/state_estimate: kalman eatimator.
- kf_estimator/terrain_estimator: terrain_estimator.
- /dog/imu_data: imu raw data.
- /dog/motor_data: quadruped joint data, including joint angles and velocities.
- /dog/leg_contact: quadruped contact Leg Information.
- /odom: state estimation result.
- /dog/terrain_norm: ground estimated normal vector.