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Software Firmware simulation with VCS and Rogue

Benjamin Reese edited this page Nov 14, 2019 · 10 revisions

Here are instructions for setting up and running a software-firmware co-simulation with VCS and Rogue.

Note: These instructions assume surf @ v1.10.0 (or later) and rogue @ v4.0.0 (or later)

Instantiate RogueTcpStreamWrap in Firmware

The firmware will need an instance of RogueTcpStreamWrap per Virtual Channel / TDEST.

For cases where a PGP2b (or PGP3) interface is being emulated, you can use RoguePgp2bSim (or RoguePgp3Sim) instead. This will instantiate 4 RogueTcpStreamWrap instances, one per VC. It will also instantiate a 5th instance specifically for OpCodes.

The PORT_NUM_G generic constitute the TCP port forwarding. You will use these same numbers when instantiating the streams on the software side.


SIM_GEN : if (SIMULATION_G) generate
   DESTS : for i in 1 downto 0 generate
      U_RogueTcpStreamWrap_1 : entity work.RogueTcpStreamWrap
         generic map (
            TPD_G         => TPD_G,
            PORT_NUM_G    => (9000 + i*2), -- 2 TCP ports per RogueTcpStreamWrap connection
            SSI_EN_G      => true,
            CHAN_COUNT_G  => 1,
         port map (
            axisClk     => pgpClk,              -- [in]
            axisRst     => pgpRst,              -- [in]
            sAxisMaster => pgpTxMasters(i),     -- [in]
            sAxisSlave  => pgpTxSlaves(i),      -- [out]
            mAxisMaster => pgpRxMasters(i),     -- [out]
            mAxisSlave  => pgpRxSlaves(i));     -- [in]   
   end generate DESTS;
end generate SIM_GEN;
HW_GEN : if (not SIMULATION_G) generate
  -- Instantiate normal PGP or Ethernet/UDP blocks here
end generate HW_GEN;


RogueTcpStreamWrap uses normal AxiStream flow control with AxiStreamSlave. PGP blocks use PAUSE based flow control with AxiStreamCtrl for RX streams

This means you'll probably have to do something like this:

U_SRPv3 : entity work.SrpV3AxiLite
   generic map (
      TPD_G               => TPD_G,
      GEN_SYNC_FIFO_G     => false,
   port map (
      -- Streaming Slave (Rx) Interface (sAxisClk domain) 
      sAxisClk         => pgpClk,
      sAxisRst         => pgpRst,
      sAxisMaster      => rxMasters(0),
      sAxisSlave       => rxSlaves(0),
      sAxisCtrl        => rxCtrl(0),
      -- Streaming Master (Tx) Data Interface (mAxisClk domain)
      mAxisClk         => pgpClk,
      mAxisRst         => pgpRst,
      mAxisMaster      => txMasters(0),
      mAxisSlave       => txSlaves(0),
      -- AXI Lite Bus (axilClk domain)
      axilClk          => axilClk,
      axilRst          => axilRst,
      mAxilReadMaster  => mAxilReadMaster,
      mAxilReadSlave   => mAxilReadSlave,
      mAxilWriteMaster => mAxilWriteMaster,
      mAxilWriteSlave  => mAxilWriteSlave);

Note that SLAVE_READY_EN_G must be set to True when compiling for simulation.

Instantiate StreamSim in Software

The class pyrogue.interfaces.simulation.StreamSim is a Rogue Stream Master+Slave. You can instantiate and use it in place of pyrogue.protocols.UdpRssiPack or rogue.hardware.pgp.PgpCard.


 if mode == "SIM":
     dest0 ='localhost',9000)
     dest1 ='localhost',9002)
 elif mode == "HW":
     udp = pyrogue.protocols.UdpRssiPack( host='', port=8192, packVer=2 )                
     dest0 = udp.application(dest=0)
     dest1 = udp.application(dest=1)

Note that each RogueTcpStream connection takes 2 TCP ports: PORT_NUM_G & PORT_NUM_G + 1

Build and run your firmware with VCS

First, you'll need to setup the Vivado and VCS environment if you haven't already:

> source /afs/slac/g/reseng/xilinx/vivado_2018.3/Vivado/2018.3/
> source /afs/slac/g/reseng/synopsys/vcs-mx/M-2017.03-1/
> source /afs/slac/g/reseng/zeromq/4.2.0/

Your firmware target will need to specify the top level testbench module in your design. This is done in the targets/TargetName/vivado/sources.tcl file:

set_property top "TopLevelTestbenchModuleName" [get_filesets sim_1]

Then make your firmware with VCS

> cd firmware/targets/TargetName
> make vcs

What make vcs does is build VCS project **makefiles **based on your Vivado project hierarchy. When make vcs is done it will give you instructions on how to proceed:

The VCS simulation script has been generated.
To compile and run the simulation:
	$ cd /path/to/build/target/$TargetName_project.sim/sim_1/behav/
	$ ./
	$ source
	$ ./simv -gui&

Now source the environment file and run vcs:

> source
> ./simv -gui&

This will launch the GUI. You can drag whatever you want to see into the waveform viewer then start the simulation running.

Run the software

In a separate terminal, launch your Rogue GUI or script that uses It should act on the running VCS sim.


Ben Reese

[email protected]