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               1.   What Is AqBanking ?
               1.1.   Generic Online Banking Interface
               1.2.   Generic Financial Data Importer/Exporter Framework
               1.3.   Bank/Account Information
               2.   Supported Platforms
               3.   Supported Backends
               3.1.   HBCI
               3.2.   OFX Direct Connect
               3.3.   EBICS
               3.4.   Paypal
               3.5.   None
               4.   What Do I Need ?
               4.1.   Required Packages
               4.2.   Applications
               5.   Building AqBanking
               5.1.   Building from the Tar File
               5.2.   Building from GIT
               5.3.   Building the API Documentation
               6.   Windows Registry Keys Used
               6.1.   Software\\AqBanking\\Paths\\pkgdatadir
               6.2.   Software\\AqBanking\\Paths\\sysconfdir
               6.3.   Software\\AqBanking\\Paths\\bankinfodir
               6.4.   Software\\AqBanking\\Paths\\providerdir
               6.5.   Software\\AqBanking\\Paths\\importerdir
               7.   Environment Variables Used
               7.1.   AQBANKING_LOGLEVEL
               7.2.   AQBANKING_STORE_JOBLOGS
               7.3.   AQHBCI_LOGBOOKED
               7.4.   AQHBCI_LOGNOTED
               7.5.   AQHBCI_DEBUG_JOBS
               7.6.   AQOFX_LOG_COMM
               8 .  Using Your Own Profiles for Im-/Exporters
               9.   Thanks
               10.  Translation
               11.  Changes from AqBanking 5.x to 6.x

1. What Is AqBanking ?

AqBanking is a library for online banking and financial
applications. It has three major goals which are described in the
following paragraphs.

(Note: Information in German can be found on )

The homepage of AqBanking is

1.1. Generic Online Banking Interface

The intention of AqBanking is to provide a middle layer between the program
and the various Online Banking libraries (e.g. AqHBCI, OpenHBCI etc). 

The real work is done in so-called banking backends. See chapter 3 for a
list of supported backends.

1.2. Generic Financial Data Importer/Exporter Framework

AqBanking uses various plugins to simplify import and export of financial
data. It also provides the administration of profiles on a per import/export
plugin basis.

Currently there are plugins for the following formats:

- Importers:
  - DTAUS (German financial format)
  - SWIFT (MT940 and MT942)
  - OFX
  - CSV
  - OpenHBCI1 transactions
  - ERI
  - Q43
  - XML (various formats like SEPA-PAIN, CAMT, OFX)
- Exporters
  - DTAUS (German financial format)
  - CSV
  - XML (various formats like SEPA-PAIN, CAMT, OFX)

1.3. Bank/Account Information

AqBanking supports plugins which allow lookup of
bank code/ account id pair validity.

Currently AqBanking provides informations about:
- ca 20,000 German banks

2. Supported Platforms

AqBanking uses the library Gwenhywfar ( for 
abstraction of the underlying system. So it should work on any system for 
which Gwenhywfar is available. 

This includes (but is not limited to): 
 - Linux (of course ;-)
 - Windows (WIN32 platforms, such as Windows95 up to Windows XP)
 - MacOSX 10.5 and newer
 - most POSIX systems (such as the BSDs) should also be supported, 
   however, this is untested

3. Supported Backends

AqBanking includes all its currently known banking backends.

3.1. HBCI

The backend AqHBCI provides support for the German online banking protocol
called "Homebanking Computer Interface". It is a national standard provided
by most German credit institutes.

The following security media are supported:
 - DDV chipcard (DES-DES-Verfahren)
 - RSA chipcard (RSA-DES-Hybrid mode)
 - OpenHBCI keyfile (either OpenHBCI 1 or 2, this medium allows continued use 
                     with OpenHBCI in parallel)
 - PIN/TAN (PIN/TAN mode using HTTP over SSL)

This backend supports the HBCI versions 2.01, 2.10, 2.20 and 3.00

3.2. OFX Direct Connect

This backend provides support for an online banking protocol used in the 
United States, Canada and maybe in the United Kingdom.

3.3. EBICS

EBICS is the successor of the German banking protocol FTAM. It is used in commercial
environments. The tool AqBanking-CLI comes with optional support for this protocol.

3.4. Paypal

This backend uses Paypal's native API for retrieving transactions.

3.5. None

This is a fallback module which can be used by applications for accounts which
are not managed by any online banking backend.

4. What Do I Need ?

4.1. Required Packages

AqBanking has several direct dependencies:

- "Gwenhywfar" >= 3.99.0, available from, is absolutely required

- "GMP", the GNU MP Bignum Library available from is required for calculations

4.2. Applications

These applications fully or partially support AqBanking:
 - AqFinance (
 - Gnucash (
 - KMyMoney (
 - OrgaMon (
 - Pecunia 0.2 (

The aqbanking package also includes several command-line tools
(aqbanking-tool, aqhbci-tool).

5. Building AqBanking

5.1. Building from the Tar File

#>make install

(the last step most probably requires you to be root)

Compilation hints for specific platforms:

- For FreeBSD and potentially other non-Linux platform, it might be
  necessary to use "gmake" instead of the "make" program.

- Also, if your "make" program happens to complain about the variable
  definition "I18NFILES = $(shell cat ..." (in around line
  230) and related definitions, then you need to look for comments in
  the Makefile about "old make programs". Follow the instructions in
  these comments, i.e. set some variable definitions to an empty
  variable manually. This should remove all potentially incompatible
  directives from the Makefile.

- (especially on Mac/Darwin): If your configure run does not
  detect the QT libraries and it says "checking for qt3
  libraries... not found", then you need to specify the linker
  flags for qt3 manually in the env variable qt3_libs. I.e. if
  your qt3 library files are in /opt/qt/lib and is called
  libqt-mt, then you need to specify 
  ./configure qt3_libs="-L/opt/qt/lib -lqt-mt"

5.2. Building from GIT

#> make -fMakefile.cvs
#> ./configure
#> make typedefs
#> make types

and continue as described in "5.1. Building from the Tar File".

5.3. Building the API Documentation

#>make srcdoc

If you want to install a linked API documentation (which links against the
API documentations of the projects AqBanking depends on) use this:

#> make install-srcdoc

This installs the linked doc to the path you gave to ./configure
by "--with-docpath=PATH". It defaults to "$HOME/apidoc", which
means it does *not* obey the --prefix argument.

5.4. Building using gwbuild

Download the git version or a tarball of AqBanking. Create a folder "build" somewhere (e.g. completely outside
the source tree or in its main folder), change into that "build" folder and perform the following steps:

#> gwbuild -s PATH_TO_SOURCE_TREE
#> gwbuild -p
#> gwbuild -B tm2builder
#> gwbuild

The last two steps accept the argument "-j XX" which lets you specify the number of parallel build processes
to use.

6. Windows Registry Keys Used

Some AqBanking versions might use registry keys below HKEY_CURRENT_USER.  
These are at the moment only versions shipped with GnuCash (at least that
used to be the case which is why handling of registry keys was introduced
in the first place). Most versions of AqBanking don't use the registry
to determine installation paths because those versions are filesystem
relocatable, so they don't need the registry.

At any rate, those versions that still do use the registry use the
following keys. These keys are created by the setup.exe which
contains the binary package for WIN32 platforms.

6.1. Software\\AqBanking\\Paths\\pkgdatadir
This is the data folder (i.e. $PREFIX/share/aqbanking on POSIX systems).

6.2. Software\\AqBanking\\Paths\\sysconfdir
This is the folder containing system configuration files.
(i.e. $PREFIX/etc on POSIX systems).

6.3. Software\\AqBanking\\Paths\\bankinfodir
This folder is used to store bankinfo plugins.

6.4. Software\\AqBanking\\Paths\\providerdir
This folder is used to store provider (backend) plugins.

6.5. Software\\AqBanking\\Paths\\importerdir
This folder is used to store importer/exporter plugins.

7. Environment Variables Used


This variable stores the loglevel to be used for AqBanking.
Possible values are: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice,
info, debug and verbous. Each following log level includes the previous

If this variable is defined then AqBanking will always store job logs with 
jobs. Otherwise job logs are only stored for jobs with a status other than
"finished". Job logs can become quite big.

If this environment variable exists then the file "/tmp/" is created
upon reception of transactions via the job GetTransactions. This file then
contains a SWIFT MT940 document which can be very helpfull in case there is
a problem in the SWIFT parser.

Same as AQHBCI_LOGBOOKED but for noted transactions (which are transactions
which are noted but not yet booked)

If this variable exists then additional debugging data is stored with each

If this variable exists then all OFX communication is logged to /tmp/ofx.log.
This is only needed when debugging AqOfxConnect.
WARNING: This might expose your user id and password to everyone who can read
that file!

8. Using Your Own Profiles for Im-/Exporters

You can create your own profiles to be used with the various importers.
For AqBanking to recognize your private profiles they must be stored in
the user local folder. 
E.g. CSV profiles on Linux must be stored in 

9. Thanks

I wish to thank the following (among others) people for their support in 
making AqBanking work:
- Christian Stimming (build-system and tarball cleanup, translations, inputs)
- Jens Koerner (did some huge jobs to provide German translation)
- David Reiser (for helping in debugging the OFX DirectConnect code)
- Christoph Bohl (for helping with the YellowNet backend)

- and of course the many people who submitted bug reports !!

10. Translation

To work on translation of this project you need the following packages on
Debian based systems:
- po4edit 
- translate-toolkit (for "msghack")

You can then create the necessary files with:
- make catalogs
- make merge

This will create the necessary *.pot and *.po files, the latter should then be

11.  Changes from AqBanking 5.x to 6.x

These are the major changes which need to be followed by applications when using
  - remoteName:                - changed type from GWEN_STRINGLIST to simple char*
  - purpose:                   - changed type from GWEN_STRINGLIST to simple char* (lines separated by "\n")
  - date:                      - changed type from GWEN_TIME to GWEN_DATE
  - valutaDate:                - changed type from GWEN_TIME to GWEN_DATE
  - firstExecutionDate:        - renamed to firstDate (used in a more generic way)
  - lastExecutionDate:         - renamed to lastDate (used in a more generic way)
  - unitPrice:                 - renamed to unitPriceValue (because there is also unitPriceDate)
  - commission:                - renamed to commissionValue
  - sequenceType:              - renamed to sequence

  - addPurpose():              - changed to addPurposeLine()
  - addRemoteName():           - removed -> use AB_Transaction_SetRemoteName()

  - valuesTextKey:             - removed
  - maxLinesRemoteName:        - removed
  - valuesCycleMonth:          - changed type from GWEN_STRINGLIST to array of uint8_t
  - valuesExecutionDayMonth:   - changed type from GWEN_STRINGLIST to array of uint8_t
  - valuesCycleWeek:           - changed type from GWEN_STRINGLIST to array of uint8_t
  - valuesExecutionDayWeek:    - changed type from GWEN_STRINGLIST to array of uint8_t

  - euTransfer:                - removed


- AB_JobGetTransactions:
  - setFromTime():             - renamed to setFromDate(), changed arg type from GWEN_TIME to GWEN_DATE
  - setToTime():               - renamed to setToDate(), changed arg type from GWEN_TIME to GWEN_DATE

- AB_IMEXPORTER_ACCOUNTINFO:   - all kind of transactions are now in a single AB_TRANSACTION_LIST, removing
                                 the previously dedicated lists for notedTransactions, transfers, debitNotes etc.
                                 You can now distinguish the type of transaction by inspecting the field
                                 "type" of AB_TRANSACTION.
                                 Normally only one type of transaction is in use at any time anyway, e.g. when sending
                                 debit note requests the AB_IMEXPORTER_CONTEXT will only contain debitNotes anyway.
                               - changed list traversal methods.
                                 Previously you would iterate through the list of transactions like this:
                                 This made it necessary to hold internal pointers to keep track of the last transaction
                                 Since AqBanking6 only the lists are stored inside a AB_IMEXPORTER_ACCOUNTINFO.
                                 You can now freely iterate through a transaction list like this:
                                 So you can now use all list functions on the lists stored.
                                 This is true for all list handled by a AB_IMEXPORTER_CONTEXT and AB_IMEXPORTER_ACCOUNTINFO,
                                 - list of account infos objects (AB_IMEXPORTER_ACCOUNTINFO)
                                 - list of transactions
                                 - list of account status
                                 - list of messages
                                 - list of electronic banking statements
- AB_JOB:                      - removed (now taken over by AB_TRANSACTION)
- AB_BANKING:                  - removed handling of AB_USER and AB_ACCOUNT completely, introduced AB_ACCOUNT_SPEC:
                                 - added AB_Banking_GetAccountSpecList()
                                 - added AB_Banking_GetAccountSpecByUniqueId()
                               - replaced AB_Banking_ExecuteJobs() with AB_Banking_SendCommands()
                                 - this function takes a list of jobs in AB_TRANSACTIONs and sends them, no longer needs AB_JOB
- AB_COUNTRY:                  - deprecated, will be removed before release
- AB_IMEXPORTER:               - removed (functions now in AB_Banking)
- Includes:                    - some header files have been moved to subfolders (e.g. aqbanking/value.h -> aqbanking/types/value.h>)
                                 If your compiler complains about missing headers try "aqbanking/types/" instead of "aqbanking".

Martin Preuss, Hamburg/Germany, 2021/02/19


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