I'm a research associate in the Information Visualization and Visual Analytics department of Fraunhofer IGD, Germany. My interests are in interactive data visualizations for privacy and security domains with a focus on human-centered design.
Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIN, Google Scholar, Orcid
- TransparencyVis (2022) - visualization of personal data exports, TypeScript & React & d3
- VUSCVIS (2021) - visualization of software vulnerability for domain experts, TypeScript & React & d3
- toyblocks (2015) - e-learning platform with games for architecture students, js & express
- Visual Analytics of Topic Dynamics (bachelor's thesis 2019) - visualization of text topic modeling data over sliding windows, JS & React & d3
Other projects:
- generateTypes (2019) - small tool to generate Typescript Types from JSON files
- buk
- snake
Steven Lamarr Reynolds, Tobias Mertz, Steven Arzt and Jörn Kohlhammer, User-Centered Design of Visualizations for Software Vulnerability Reports, 2021 IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec), 2021, pp. 68-78, http://doi.org/10.1109/VizSec53666.2021.00013
Hervais Simo, Haya Shulman, Marija Schufrin, Steven Lamarr Reynolds, Jörn Kohlhammer (2021). PrivInferVis: Towards Enhancing Transparency over Attribute Inference in Online Social Networks. INFOCOM Workshops 2021. https://doi.org/10.1109/INFOCOMWKSHPS51825.2021.9484595
Marija Schufrin, Steven Lamarr Reynolds, Arjan Kuijper, Jörn Kohlhammer (2021). A Visualization Interface to Improve the Transparency of Collected Personal Data on the Internet. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Volume: 27, Issue: 2, Feb. 2021). https://doi.org/10.1109/TVCG.2020.3028946 - Preview Video (1min), Conference Talk (20min), Link to Tool, Won Best Paper Award at VizSec 2020, Won Best Thesis Award at Comuter Graphics Night 2021, Nominated for Digital Autonomy Award 2022
Marija Schufrin, David Sessler, Steven Lamarr Reynolds, Salmah Ahmad, Tobias Mertz, and Jörn Kohlhammer. 2020. Information Visualization Interface on Home Router Traffic Data for Laypersons. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 86, 1–3. https://doi.org/10.1145/3399715.3399970
- [Best Paper]
- [Best Thesis]
- E-Teaching Award at TU Darmstadt, Germany in 2015
I'm fluent in German and English.
© 2022. Steven Lamarr Reynolds