A library of various shapes for use with implementation of the CLIM II interface manager library, particulary McCLIM.
bezier-ellipsoid-2-coords (x y width height &key (tallness 1))
bezier-ellipsoid-4-coords (x y x-radius y-radius &key (x-stretch 1) (y-stretch 1))
bezier-rectangle-coords (x1 y1 x2 y2)
bezier-notched-rectangle (x y width height radius)
draw-notched-rectangle* (sheet x y width height radius &key ink)
draw-arrow-rectangle* (sheet x1 y1 x2 y2
&rest args
&key filled ink (line-thickness 0) (arrow-width 0.20) (arrow-width-unit :percent)
(text-style (make-text-style :sans-serif :bold :normal)))```
## draw-text-rectangle*
draw-text-rectangle* (sheet x1 y1 x2 y2 &rest args &key filled ink (line-thickness 0) text (text-style (make-text-style :sans-serif :bold :normal))) ```
draw-text-ellipse* (sheet
center-x center-y
radius-1-dx radius-1-dy radius-2-dx radius-2-dy
&rest args
&key (filled t) (start-angle 0.0) (end-angle (* 2.0 pi))
ink clipping-region transformation line-style
line-thickness line-unit line-dashes line-cap-shape text-style)
draw-notched-text-rectangle* (sheet text x y width height radius &key ink text-style)
draw-grid (sheet &key (x 300) (y 300) (x-incr 10) (y-incr 10) (line-thickness 2) (ink +black+))