![alt text][logo] [logo]: http://i.imgur.com/0KabJ2e.png "PIMGento : "
PIMGento is a Magento extension that allows you to import your catalog from Akeneo CSV files into Magento.
For Magento >= 1.9.3, referer to branch magento-1.9.3
PIMGento reads CSV files from Akeneo and insert data directly in Magento database.
In this way, it makes imports very fast and doesn't disturb your e-commerce website.
With PIMGento, you can import :
- Categories
- Families
- Attributes
- Options
- Products
- Products positions by category
- Images
- Stocks
Plug and Play: We payed attention to the code and followed the Magento code instructions so you can easily install this extension on your store without any troubleshooting (see installation).
Totally flexible: We added plenty of configurations. We didn't write any specific value in our code : No hard coding.
User Friendly: We thought the interface the easiest possible. We developed a dashboard where you can see your import running. We even added some colors :)
Manual or automatic: Free to choose ! You can either upload and import your CSV files from the Magento back-office or simply let the automatics tasks run different import with CSV files located in a directory of your server.
SEO ready: 404 pages, it's over ! With PIMGento, you don't loose SEO on your product and category pages. If their names change, PIMGento create automatically a rewrite from the old URL to the new one.
Synchronous / Asynchronous: You can import right now your data in order to show them on the front-office or schedule a task in the coming days. Very useful to prepare a marketing operation for instance.
Fast import: PIMGento is from 10 to 20 times faster than API and native Magento import/export system.
Performance: Imports with PIMGento don't slow down the store. Besides, you can select which cache you want to clear at the end of your import.
Multi-X: PIMGento supports all types of Magento structure. If you have multi-website and multi-store with lot of different languages, imports will still work well.
- Magento setup with Akeneo sample data in less than [4 minutes !] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpC01qVIVFA )
- Configuration options for the backend (Screenshots)
- Akeneo PIM >= 1.3 (CE & EE)
- Magento >= 1.9 CE
- Magento >= 1.14 EE
- Set local_infile mysql variable to TRUE
- Database encoding must be UTF-8
- Flash Player
Compatibility for previous Magento versions are in development (see roadmap)
- Copy the folder app/code/community/Pimgento and paste it in the folder app/code/community
- Copy the folder app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/pimgento and paste it in the folder app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template
- Copy the file app/design/adminhtml/default/default/layout/pimgento.xml and paste it in the folder app/design/adminhtml/default/default/layout
- Copy the file app/etc/modules/Pimgento_All.xml and paste it in the folder app/etc/modules
- Copy the folder skin/adminhtml/default/default/pimgento and paste it in the folder skin/adminhtml/default/default
- Clear the cache (System > Cache Management)
- Disconnect / reconnect to the Back Office
- Refresh Magento compilation (System > Tools > Compilation)
- Add into in the
- Add into the
"type": "vcs",
"url": "[email protected]:Agence-DnD/PIMGento.git"
modman clone [email protected]:Agence-DnD/PIMGento.git
- Allow magento to follow symlinks in "System > Advanced > Developer > Templates Settings" (set to "yes")
- Configure your store language and currency before import
- After category import, set the "Root Category" for store in "System > Manage Store"
- After attributes import, set attributes used to create configurable products
All PIMGento configurations can be found in the Magento Back-end at this path: System > Configuration > Catalog > Pimgento
- Enable Log:_ if set Yes, write everything happens during the import in a file.
- Log file: Log file name in var/log directory.
- CSV line ending: Choose the character used to make a carriage return.
- CSV delimiter: Choose the delimiter of your CSV files.
- Admin language: Default language for admin values (products, categories, attributes, options). Example: en_US, de_DE, fr_FR...
- Add website mapping: Match Magento website with PIM channel
- Enable Cron: if set Yes, you can enable the automatic import.
- CRON expression: Configure when the automatic import will execute.
- File: The filename of the CSV file used for the automatic import.
- Clear cache: Choose which cache you want to clear after the import.
- PIM code exclusion: PIM codes not to add in Magento, comma separated. Example: CAT01,CAT18,CAT56
- Category depth: Choose the depth of your e-commerce navigation.
- Is anchor: If set yes, all categories will be created as an anchor category.
- Update url key: If set yes, it will create automatically an URL rewrite if the category name changed.
- Enable Cron: if set Yes, you can enable the automatic import.
- Enable Cron: if set Yes, you can enable the automatic import.
- CRON expression: Configure when the automatic import will execute.
- File: The filename of the CSV file used for the automatic import.
- Clear cache: Choose which cache you want to clear after the import.
- PIM code exclusion: PIM codes not to add in Magento, comma separated. Example: FAM01,FAM18,FAM56
- Enable Cron: if set Yes, you can enable the automatic import.
- Enable Cron: if set Yes, you can enable the automatic import.
- CRON expression: Configure when the automatic import will execute.
- File: The filename of the CSV file used for the automatic import.
- Clear cache: Choose which cache you want to clear after the import.
- PIM code exclusion: PIM codes not to add in Magento, comma separated. Example: ATT01,ATT18,ATT56
- Specific types: You can make a mapping between PIM and MAGENTO attributes types.
- Enable Cron: if set Yes, you can enable the automatic import.
- Enable Cron: if set Yes, you can enable the automatic import.
- CRON expression: Configure when the automatic import will execute.
- File: The filename of the CSV file used for the automatic import.
- Clear cache: Choose which cache you want to clear after the import.
- PIM code exclusion: PIM codes not to add in Magento, comma separated. Example: OPT01,OPT18,OPT56
- Enable Cron: if set Yes, you can enable the automatic import.
- Enable Cron: if set Yes, you can enable the automatic import.
- CRON expression: Configure when the automatic import will execute.
- File: The filename of the CSV file used for the automatic import.
- Clear cache: Choose which cache you want to clear after the import.
- PIM code exclusion: PIM codes not to add in Magento, comma separated. Example: SKU01,SKU18,SKU56
- Match attributes: You can make a mapping between PIM and MAGENTO attributes for simple product.
- Default tax class: Choose the default tax class for each product imported.
- Create Configurable: If set yes, it will create configurable product from the simple product data.
- Configurable attributes: attributes to use for create configurable products
- Configurable values: You can make a mapping between PIM and MAGENTO attributes for configurable product.
- Enable Cron: if set Yes, you can enable the automatic import.
- Enable Cron: if set Yes, you can enable the automatic import.
- CRON expression: Configure when the automatic import will execute.
- File: The filename of the CSV file used for the automatic import.
- Delete image: If set Yes, delete all images used for the import.
- Enable Cron: if set Yes, you can enable the automatic import.
- Enable Cron: if set Yes, you can enable the automatic import.
- CRON expression: Configure when the automatic import will execute.
- File: The filename of the CSV file used for the automatic import.
- Enable Cron: if set Yes, you can enable the automatic import.
Product position
- Enable Cron: if set Yes, you can enable the automatic import.
- CRON expression: Configure when the automatic import will execute.
- File: The filename of the CSV file used for the automatic import.
- Enable Cron: if set Yes, you can enable the automatic import.
NB: PIMGento uses native Magento Cronjob, so you have nothing to add in your Crontab.
- Compatibility with Magento >= 1.6 CE
- Compatibility with Magento >= 1.10 EE
- Create this type of product : Bundle, packed, virtual and downloadable products.
- Think about a way to delete data
Founded by lovers of innovation and design, [Agence Dn'D] (http://www.dnd.fr) assists companies for 11 years in the creation and development of customized digital (open source) solutions for web and E-commerce.