SmartNote is an app to track internal documentation, starting with FAQs around development.
First install these:
- asdf, which installs…
- PostgreSQL 12
Once those are installed you can setup the application. Check .tool-versions
for needed versions if installing manually.
# This installs elixir/erlang/nodejs at the versions required
asdf plugin add elixir
asdf plugin add nodejs
asdf install
# Install elixir dependencies
mix deps.get
mix compile
# Install yarn and the rest of the javascript dependencies
npm install -g yarn
cd assets && yarn install && cd ..
# Create the database and migrate for dev & test
mix ecto.create
mix ecto.migrate
MIX_ENV=test mix ecto.migrate.reset
# Make sure tests pass
mix test
# See `Local Development` below to configure ``
# Once complete, run the server
mix phx.server
In order to run locally, you'll need a
file with the following filled in:
Create a GitHub OAuth application and copy the client id and secret. Make sure the authorized redirect uri is http://localhost:4000/auth/github/callback
To migrate on kubernetes, find a pod and exec into it and run this:
smart_note eval ""