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Vehicle Signal Specification standard building on the work done by W3C / AMB.


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(C) 2016 Jaguar Land Rover - All rights reserved.

All documents in this repository are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Click here for details. All code in this repository is licensed under Mozilla Public License v2 (MPLv2). Click here for details.


This repository specifies a set of vehicle signals that can be used in automotive applications to communicate the state of various vehicle systems.

The collection of signal specifications, or simply signals, are vendor independent. Vendor-specific extensions can be specified in a dediceated and uncontrolled branch of the signal specification tree.

The format of the directories and signal specification files is aimed at allowing easy, git-based management with branching, merging, and release. With this in mind, the signal specification can be broken up into smaller files that can be edited and re-used while minimizing merge conflicts.

A released signal specification can be used, together with tools in this repository, to automatically generate a number of different target specification formats, such as JSON, FrancaIDL, markdown, etc.

Below is a schematic showing the top-level provess.

Signal tree
Fig 1. Generating documents from specification

The tools are available in a separate [repository].(

The release management process will be driven in the context of GENIVI and its Remote Vehicle Interaction expert group.


A signal is a named entity, such as rpm, that at any time can have a value, such as 3400.

Signals are organized into a tree such as outlined below.

Signal tree
Fig 2. A signal tree example

Each signal specifies a type from the following set (from FrancaIDL):

Name Type Min Max
UInt8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
Int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
UInt16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
Int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
UInt32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
Int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
UInt64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64
Int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
Boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
Float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
Double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
String character string n/a n/a
ByteBuffer buffer of bytes (aka BLOB) n/a n/a

Please note that the special type branch denotes a branch, not a signal. See branch entry chapter for details.


A signal can optionally be specified with a min and max limit, defining a range that the signal can assume a value within.


A signal can optionally be specified with a set of allowed values that the signal can be assigned, effectively turning it into an enumerator. The values are of the same type as the signal itself.

A signal can optionally specify a unit type from the following set:

Unit type Domain Description
kph Speed Kilometers per hour
celsius Temperature Degrees celsius
mbar Pressure millibar
percent Percent Percent
hz frequency Frequency
lat position Decimal latitude
lon position Decimal longitude
millimeter distance Millimeter
meter distance Meter
kilometer distance Kilometer
rpm frequeucy Rotations per minute.
kw power Kilowatt
kwh power Kilowatt hours
gr/sec flow Grams per second
[more to come] ... ...


Signals are named, left-to-right, from the root of the signal tree toward the signal itself. Each element in the name is deliniated with a period (".") .

In Fig 1 above the left mirror heated signal would be:


If there are an array of elements, such as door 0 - 3, they will be named with an index branch:



If a signal is defined, all parent branches included in its name must be included as well, as shown below:

[Signal] body.mirrors.left.heated
[Branch] body.mirrors.left
[Branch] body.mirrors
[Branch] body

The branches do not have to be defined in any specific order as long as each branch component is defined somewhere in the vspec file (or an included vspec file).


The signal specification is written in JSON format, where each signal is a self-contained JSON object.

One or more JSON objects are aggregated into a single file, called a vspec file.

A vspec can, in addition to JSON objects, also contain comments and include directives.

An include directive refers to another vspec file that is to replace the directive, much like #include in C/C++.

The schematics below shows an example of a top-level file root.vspec that includes two other files, body.vspec and chassis.vspec. In its turn chassis.vspec includes brakes.vspec

A branch entry describes a tree branch (or node) containing other branches and signals.

A branch entry example is given below

  "name": "body.door",
  "type": "branch",
  "aggregate": true,
  "description": "Some description"

The following elements are defined:

  • name
    Defines the dot-notaded signal name to the signal. Please note that all parental branches included in the name must be defined as well.

  • type
    The value branch specifies that this is a branch entry (as opposed to a signal entry).

  • aggregate [optional]
    Defines if this branch is an aggreaget or not. See aggregate branch chapter for more information.
    Defaults to false if not defined.

  • description
    A description string to be included (when applicable) in the various specification files generated from this branch entry.


A signal entry defines a single signal and its attributes. A signal entry example is given below.

	"name": "chassis.transmission.speed",
	"type": "Uint16",
	"unit": "km/h",
	"min": "1",
	"max": "300",
	"description": "The vehicle speed, as measured by the drivetrain."
  • name
    Defines the dot-notaded signal name to the signal. Please note that all parental branches included in the name must be defined as well.

  • type
    The string value of the type specifies the scalar type of the signal value. See signal type chapter for a list of available types.

  • min [optional]
    The minimum value, within the interval of the given type, that the signal can be assigned.
    If set to false, the minimum value will be the "Min" value for the given type. chapter.
    Default, if not specified, is false.
    Cannot be specified if enum is specified for the same signal entry.

  • max [optional]
    The max value, within the interval of the given type, that the signal can be assigned.
    If set to false, the maximum value will be the "Max" value for the given type. chapter.
    Default, if not specified, is false.
    Cannot be specified if enum is specified for the same signal entry.

  • unit [optional]
    The unit of measurement that the signal has.e. See signal unit of measurements chapter for a list of available unit types.
    Cannot be specified if enum is specified for the same signal entry.

  • description
    A description string to be included (when applicable) in the various specification files generated from this signal entry.


A signal can optionally be enumerated, allowing it to be assigned a value from a specified set of values. An example of an enumerated signal is given below.

	"name": "chassis.transmission.gear",
	"type": "Uint16",
	"enum": [ -1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ],
	"description": "The selected gear. -1 is reverse."

An enumerated signal entry has no min, max, or unit element.

The enum element is an array of values, all of the type specified by type element, that the signal can be assigned.

A branch entry's aggregate set to true indicates that any updated signal hosted under the given branch should be distributed together with all other signals hosted under the same branch, even if the latter have not changed their values.

This allows for records containing multiple signals to be distributed as an atomic unit by the Vehicle Signal Interface and other systems.

Below is an example a complete specification describing a geospatial position.

  "name": "nav",
  "type": "branch",
  "description": "Navigitaional top-level branch."

  "name": "nav.location",
  "type": "branch",
  "aggregate": true,
  "description": "The current location of the vehicle."

  "name": "",
  "type": "Float",
  "description": "Latitude."

  "name": "nav.location.lon",
  "type": "Float",
  "description": "Latitude."

  "name": "nav.location.alt",
  "type": "Float",
  "description": "Altitude."

The nav.location branch's aggregate member indicates that if any of lat, lon, or alt are are assiged a new value, all three signals should be distrubuted as a single entity.


Apart from JSON objects, a vspec file can have two additional elements, comments and include directives, described below


A comment starts with a # and extends to the end of the line. If a # is encountered as a part of a line, all characters after # are ignored.

Below is an example of a signal entry with comments.

# This will be ignored
	"name": "chassis.transmission.speed",
	"type": "Uint16", # This will also be ignored
	"unit": "km/h",
	"min": "1",
	"max": "300",
	"description": "The vehicle speed, as measured by the drivetrain."


An include directive in a vspec file will read the file it refers to and insert it into the location of the directive. The included file will, in its turn, be scanned for include directives to be replaced, effectively forming a tree of included files.

See below for an example of such a tree.


The include directive has the following format.

#include <filename>,[prefix]

The <filename> part specifies the path, relative to the file with the #include directive, to the vspec file to replace the directive with. The filename is enclused in double quotes (").

The optional [prefix] specifies a branch name to be prepended to all signal entries in the included file. This allows a vspec file to be reused multiple times by different files, each file specifying their own branch to attach the inlcuded file to.

An example of an include directive is given below.

#include "doors.vpsec","chassis.doors"

The "door.vspec" section specifies the file to include.

The "chassis.doors" section specifies that all signal entries in door.vspec should have their names prefixed with chassis.doors.

If an included vspec file has branch or signal specifications that have already been defined prior to the included file, the new specifications in the included file will replace the previoius specifications.

Below is an example of two files, root.vspec, and door.vspec.

# root.vspec
  "name": "chassis",
  "type": "branch",
  "description": "All things chassis."

  "name": "chassis.doors",
  "type": "branch",
  "description": "All doors."

  "name": "chassis.doors.left_front",
  "type": "branch",
  "description": "Left front door."

  "name": "chassis.doors.right_front",
  "type": "branch",
  "description": "Right front door."

  "name": "chassis.doors.left_rear",
  "type": "branch",
  "description": "Left rear door."

  "name": "chassis.doors.right_rear",
  "type": "branch",
  "description": "Right rear door."

# Include door.vspec four times, once
# for each door branch specified above.

#include "door.vspec","chassis.doors.left_front"
#include "door.vspec","chassis.doors.right_front"
#include "door.vspec","chassis.doors.left_rear"
#include "door.vspec","chassis.doors.right_rear"
# door.vspec
	"name": "lock",
	"type": "Boolean",
	"description": "Indicates if the door is locaked (true), or not (false)."

	"name": "window_pos",
	"type": "Uint8",
	"unit": "percent",
	"min": 0,
	"max": 100,
	"description": "Indicates the window position. 0 = closed. 100 = open"

The two files above, once the #include directives have been processed, will have the following specification.

  "name": "chassis",
  "type": "branch",
  "description": "All things chassis."

  "name": "chassis.doors",
  "type": "branch",
  "description": "All doors."

  "name": "chassis.doors.left_front",
  "type": "branch",
  "description": "Left front door."

  "name": "chassis.doors.right_front",
  "type": "branch",
  "description": "Right front door."

  "name": "chassis.doors.left_rear",
  "type": "branch",
  "description": "Left rear door."

  "name": "chassis.doors.right_rear",
  "type": "branch",
  "description": "Right rear door."

# Include directive is replaced with file content and updated
# signal names.

# Left front door
	"name": "chassis.doors.left_front.lock",
	"type": "Boolean",
	"description": "Indicates if the door is locaked (true), or not (false)."

	"name": "chassis.doors.left_front.window_pos",
	"type": "Uint8",
	"unit": "percent",
	"min": 0,
	"max": 100,
	"description": "Indicates the window position. 0 = closed. 100 = open"

# Right front door
	"name": "chassis.doors.right_front.lock",
	"type": "Boolean",
	"description": "Indicates if the door is locaked (true), or not (false)."

	"name": "chassis.doors.right_front.window_pos",
	"type": "Uint8",
	"unit": "percent",
	"min": 0,
	"max": 100,
	"description": "Indicates the window position. 0 = closed. 100 = open"

# Left rear door
	"name": "chassis.doors.left_rear.lock",
	"type": "Boolean",
	"description": "Indicates if the door is locaked (true), or not (false)."

	"name": "chassis.doors.left_rear.window_pos",
	"type": "Uint8",
	"unit": "percent",
	"min": 0,
	"max": 100,
	"description": "Indicates the window position. 0 = closed. 100 = open"

# Right rear door

	"name": "chassis.doors.right_rear.lock",
	"type": "Boolean",
	"description": "Indicates if the door is locaked (true), or not (false)."

	"name": "chassis.doors.right_rear.window_pos",
	"type": "Uint8",
	"unit": "percent",
	"min": 0,
	"max": 100,
	"description": "Indicates the window position. 0 = closed. 100 = open"


Vehicle Signal Specification standard building on the work done by W3C / AMB.







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