Det. Thorn: "Who bought you?"
Hatcher: "You're bought as soon as they pay you a salary."
-- Soylent Green
Drive Amazon Mechanical Turk from your Clojure apps.
biomass is an implementation of the Amazon Web Services Mechanical Turk REST API in clojure.
Kudos to [Robert Boyd] ( for the original implementation and inspiration
is available as a Maven artifact from Clojars
Before making any requests, be sure to set your AWS credentials
(biomass.request/setup {:AWSAccessKey "deadbeef"
:AWSSecretAccessKey "cafebabe"})
Whilst testing, you may find it useful to route all your requests to the AWS Mechanical Turk Sandbox environment.
(biomass.request/setup {:AWSAccessKey "deadbeef"
:AWSSecretAccessKey "cafebabe"
:sandbox true})
Amazon Mechanical Turk allocates jobs to humans in the form of "Human Intelligence Tasks" or "HITs".
First create a HIT type and Layout using the Requester UI.
Example of creating a HIT:
(let [hit-type-id "VCZVWLDJOTFFJXXQLGXZ"
10-minutes (* 10 60)
1-day (* 24 60 60)]
(biomass.hits/create-hit {:hit-type-id hit-type-id
:hit-layout-id hit-layout-id
:assignment-duration 10-minutes
:lifetime 1-day
:layout-params {:layout-parameter1 "This is a variable defined in the layout"
:layout-parameter2 "This is another"}})
Check out the wiki for more usage examples
Copyright © 2014 Thomas Steffes
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.