added a new method for factor reordering min/max difference
added the mean +/- multiples of standard deviations summary using the mean_sdl
allowed to transform the label for mean and median to 10^ (useful when the x/y axis are logged)
fixed a namespace bug with calling the scales
package functions like muted
or trans_xxx
without the package being loaded, now using ::
fixed a bug with updateColourInput
which is now only available from the colourpicker
reactivating the colorgradient widget after shinyjqui
bug was updated and fixed
added distiller continuous Blues and brewer discrete palettes
added possibility to specify palette for viridis discrete and continuous with possibility to reverse the scale
added more support for POSIXct
variables where previously they were being treated as character
automatic zoom slider is now working with POSIXct
automatic Slider or User zoom now is controllable when facets scales are free
discrete scale is no longer applied when the x and or y variable inherits from POSIXct
modifying X/Y scale expansion is now optional (fixed auto expansion with free facets)
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