A proof-of-concept project to develop a search engine that transparently spans the school's various information repositories, allowing students and faculty to find resources -- no matter where they were posted!
This project is made of two parts:
- A server app that provides a RESTful API for a configurable range of searches across a range of different sources (a.k.a. search domains). This is written in PHP, with the object model defined in src/ -- and documented in doc/ and the actual API hosted from api/v1/. The configuration of the the actual search domains is stored in
(an example is config-example.xml). - A client app that presents a user-facing GUI to search the aggregated search domains. This is built as a React JavaScript app and the source is in client/ and is served out of
(.htaccess redirects requests to the root directory to the client app directory).
Why two parts? Well… I wanted to protect my various API and server credentials on the server, and PHP is quite convenient for making these API requests. However, PHP is not multi-threaded (yet), so making a series of simultaneous API requests is difficult. However, if the server-side PHP app protects my credentials, the client-side JavaScript app can multi-thread and make the requests of the API simultaneously, integrating the results as they come back.
- Clone the repository to your web-server document directory (clearly, I am assuming that you use Apache -- you will need to adapt my
files for IIS or Nginx or Node as needed).
git clone https://github.com/smtech/stmarks-search.git path/to/dir/stmarks-search
- Install the PHP dependencies using Composer.
cd path/to/stmarks-search
composer install -o --prefer-dist
- Install the Node dependencies using NPM and build the client app.
cd path/to/stmarks-search/client
npm install
npm run build
- Make your own
configuration file describing your search domains and credentials.0
cd path/to/stmarks-search
cp config-example.xml config.xml
nano config.xml
Et voilà! Point your web browser at the root of the stmark-search -- http://yourserver.com/path/to/stmarks-search and let 'er rip!
At the moment, this project is stalled out because of configuration issues around the Google API Manager. I can't create a new project and I get the following error:
Create Project: stmarks-search
APPHOSTING_ADMIN Cloud Service disabled by admin. Please contact admin to restore service. com.google.apps.framework.request.StatusException: generic::FAILED_PRECONDITION: APPHOSTING_ADMIN Cloud Service disabled by admin. Please contact admin to restore service.
Sounds like a permissions error.
Here's what the path forward would be:
- Issue an OAuth ID and key for the Google Drive API in the API Manager
- Set up a backing database for this project to cache API access tokens for users
- Add a a Google API client to the Composer dependencies for this project. (I believe Google has a quickstart for doing this in their documentation.)
- Work out a scheme for including Google Drive folders in the
file. I've been thinking it would be something like:
<id>OAuth ID here</id>
<secret>OAuth secret here</secret>
<folder name="Faculty Resources" id="0Bx1atGpuKjk9YkNyb2Q1RUNoOWM" />
<folder name="Student Resources" id="0Bx1atGpuKjk9anlxT2FPWjIwNDQ" />
<calendar name="Calendars would be neat too" />
- This would then give us the information we need to extend an create a
and aGoogleDriveSearchDomain
, we hope. GoogleDriveSearchDomain
would make requests to the Google Drive RESTful API like (I mean, y'know, hypothetically) this one. This would, be informed by this documentation and this documentation. Just sayin'.
GET https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/files?q=%220Bx1atGpuKjk9YkNyb2Q1RUNoOWM%22+in+parents+and+%28name+contains+%22query%22+or+fullText+contains+%22query%22%29
- I imagine that similar requests could be made around Google Groups, Gmail, or Google Calendar that would also be useful.