This repo is a quick way to get the InfluxDB and Kapacitor Stack spun up and working together with CloudHub.
To run the sandbox
, simply use the convenient cli:
$ ./sandbox1 # if docker-compose <= version1
$ ./sandbox2 # if docker-compose-v2 <= version2
sandbox commands:
up -> spin up the sandbox environment
down -> tear down the sandbox environment
restart -> restart the sandbox
influxdb -> attach to the influx cli
flux -> attach to the flux REPL
enter (influxdb||kapacitor||logstash||etcd) -> enter the specified container
logs (influxdb||kapacitor||logstash||etcd) -> stream logs for the specified container or all
install <Directory path where docker-compose.yml is located> -> create and enable a system service for the sandbox environment.
delete-data -> delete all data created by the influxdb and kapacitor and etcd
docker-clean -> stop and remove all running docker containers and images