Snowplow Objective-C Tracker v0.3.0
Adding OS-X support, a new user timings event and removing the AFNetworking dependency.
New features
- Added Mac OS X support, thanks @atdrendel and @duncan! (#104)
- Added new initializer with POST as default method, thanks @jonalmeida! (#69)
- Added timings event (#89)
Under the hood
- Reverted from AFnetworking to standard NSURLSession, thanks @atdrendel and @duncan! (#88)
- Renamed SnowplowRequest to SnowplowEmitter, thanks @jonalmeida! (#70)
- Renamed from snowplow-ios-tracker to snowplow-objc-tracker (#103)
- Updated Travis to use the most up-to-date simulator (#90)
- Updated Podfile and re-installed to fix Travis (#93)
- Updated getResolution test to allow 750x1334 for Retina iPhone (#92)