This was just a sketching exercise, to feel it and to build a clearer picture in my head. Everything will be scrapped so, no point in really spending any more time on it.
- Merger doesn't work on Chrome
- Changing output count in gui doesn't work - oscMergerChannelCount:2 - edit the code directly
- You may also want to set osc2Start:0 and osc3Start:0 to align osc There are differences between FireFox and Chrome, sadly they can't agree on one spec :(
- Install FireFox or FireFoxDev
- Install: Git
- Install: Meteor
- Clone: git clone
- Enter: cd GinLab
- PreRun: meteor npm install ( run this once )
- Run: meteor
- Happy playing, video soon
TalkTalk cut off my internet, so this was done over mobile internet and maybe no video