A sample of GCP ELB in front of istio ingress gateway with HTTP/2(gRPC)
This sample is tested in the following conditions:
- Kubernetes: 1.15.9-gke.24
- Istio: 1.5.2
- gRPC app: soichisumi0/grpc-echo-server:v0.1.6
- Create cluster
- Generate and deploy self-signed certificate
make gen-privkey
make gen-csr
make gen-cert
make create-secret-for-ingressgateway
- Install istio
make istio-install
- Deploy apps
kubectl apply -f 2-pass-gce-ingress-health-check-w-tls/
- Do request
grpcurl -d '{"message": "yo test message"}' -insecure $INGRESS_IP:443 grpctesting.EchoService/Echo