This is a simple command implementation for WhatsApp, using Niobio Cash (NBR) bot.
The basic idea is (read all first before start doing it):
Add WhatsApp bot +55 61 8220-9940 to your WhatsApp contacts
Create your server (valid ip). If you dont have, you can create here
TIP: Pickup the minimal machine (low cost after free period. 5$), install 4gb of swap memory prefer NYC for fast network ping
Fork this repository
In your server terminal: type: git clone yourforkrepository (or
Run this small java server (java -jar prod/server.jar). Try see in browser yourserverip:port (Default port is 80, dont use http or https, is always http)
Send a WhatsApp message to create a command: /createcmd yourcommand yourserverip:port (ex: /createcmd helloworld
Send a WhatsApp message: /yourcommand (ex: /helloworld)
In an web browser, go to http://yourserver:port (press F5) and see if your server receive the message => text="Comando nao encontrado" (command not found)
Develop (see below) your command in src/your/, generate and run a new server.jar, and try send /yourcommand again
--------- To develop: ---------------
You need Java (JDK for run jar command, not only JRE) and Git.
Probably you should use Eclipse editor. (read all first before start doing it):
- Open your terminal and go to your workspace. (ex: c:\workspace)
type: git clone yourforkrepository (or
- In Eclipse, go to Import.. Git.. Exisitng.. find c:\workspace\MyServer
Open src/your/YourMain and play a little.
IMPORTANT: The real void main is in jetty.Server class. You should probably use Show View -> Git Staging to see your changes
So, to run go to (Eclipse) menu Debug -> Server class (not "on Server")
When is ready, generate new server.jar
Open terminal and go to c:\workspace\MyServer\bin
execute: jar cfm ..\prod\server.jar ..\META-INF\Manifest.txt * ..\lib
git push
in your server terminal.
git pull
java -jar prod/server.jar
- try again :-D