This project is to build an end-to-end machine translation pipeline that takes English text and retuns French translation. The model is built from scratch based on Encoder-Decoder and RNN structures.
LLMs are typically trained on large corpus (at least 100M+ tokens). To train the model in a reasonalbe time and limited resources, a dataset that contains a small vocabulary has been chosen for this project.
The dataset used for this project have 138k paris of English and French sentences. The maximum length (number of tokens) is 15 for English and 21 for French.
The dataset was split to 'train' and 'test' datasets with a 80:20 ratio. The train dataset was further split to 'train' and 'validation' sets with a 90:10 ratio during training.
The data were already lowercased, but needed further preprocessing. The setences were tokenized (into word ids) and padded using keras
and pad_sequences
Encoder has a embedding layer with a embedding size of 300, a bidirectional LSTM and Decoder has a bidirectional LSTM and 2 dense layers.
Various values for hyperparameters were experimented. Embedding size, learning rate, epochs, GRU vs LSTM units, etc. Also 'relu' activation function was tried for LSTM instead of its default 'tanh'. Considering the training time, following values were chosen for the final model.
embedding_dim = 300
learning_rate = 2e-3
LSTM units = 256
LSTM activation = 'relu'
epochs = 25
The model achieved over 98% accuracy for both tratining and validation data, even with the relatively simple structure!