Set AWS access id and secret key environment variables on local machine.
Create deep learning EC2 instance with ubuntu operating system and set .aws/credentials and .aws/config files. Below is the config file.
Create a directory named proj1-worker in home directory.
Copy,, to the directory created from the above step.
Copy the worker.service file to /etc/systemd/system directory and restart the systemd service.
Register the AMI for the above instance and replace ami-id in the file with the created ami id.
Create 3 Standard queues named as request, response and terminate queue.
Create a S3 bucket named ccimagerecognition. Note: All the above AWS services should be created in us-west-1 region. Steps to run:
Start the Apache tomcat server using the below command. mvn spring-boot:run
Open browser.
Make sure that tomcat server is running by entering the following url. http://localhost:50003
Provide a image url by making GET request to the server as shown below. http://localhost:50003/cloudimagerecognition.php?input=
You should be able to see a key value pair as the output where key is image name and the value is the class of the image. It should take about a minute for the result to show up.