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Wheelmap Native Wrapper

This repository contains tools & app templates to wrap the wheelmap-react-frontend application into a native executable.

It's a replacement for the old cordova native builds and meant to be more up-to date, easier to extend and less error prone.


Install the latest Xcode command line tools:

xcode-select --install

Install bundle using

sudo gem install bundler -NV

Install the bundles

bundle install

Install graphicsmagick for icon generation

brew install graphicsmagick

Install for the automatic generation of screenshots

cd tools/generate-screenshots
npm install


Prepare environment variables

  • cp env/ env/
  • Adapt the values in env/

Getting certificates for signing the app

Sync your local iOS signing certificates from the GitHub store:

  • CERTIFICATES_REPOSITORY="[email protected]:sozialhelden/certificates.git" FASTLANE_USER=[APPLE_ID] bundle exec fastlane match

This might fail after a while because the certificates expire. In this case, you can 'nuke' them with:

  • CERTIFICATES_REPOSITORY="[email protected]:sozialhelden/certificates.git" FASTLANE_USER=[APPLE_ID] bundle exec fastlane match nuke development
  • CERTIFICATES_REPOSITORY="[email protected]:sozialhelden/certificates.git" FASTLANE_USER=[APPLE_ID] bundle exec fastlane match nuke distribution

Creating builds with fastlane

Run these commands for building development/beta/app store builds on iOS:

  • FASTLANE_USER=[APPLE_ID] bundle exec fastlane ios development
  • FASTLANE_USER=[APPLE_ID] bundle exec fastlane ios beta

Run these commands for building development/beta/app store builds on Android:

  • FASTLANE_USER=[GOOGLE_DEVELOPER_EMAIL] bundle exec fastlane android development
  • FASTLANE_USER=[GOOGLE_DEVELOPER_EMAIL] bundle exec fastlane android beta