I am an Open Source Software Enginner working for Univention.
My special interests are HTTP, REST, Security technology, Python and Clean-Code - and I like to combine all of them.
At Univention I am working at the Debian based Linux Distribution Univention Corporate Server.
My focus topics there are: IAM (Identity and Access Management):
- OpenLDAP
- REST-Services for LDAP-objects
- Active Directory & Samba 4 to OpenLDAP connector
- A little bit Kerberos (Heimdal) and Samba 4
Web Interfaces & Design:
- Javascript (dojo toolkit) web frontend
- HTTP backends
- responsive Web-Design
- Python 2.7 to 3 migration
- Finding and fixing internal security issues
- of our currently Debian packages components
In my spare time I used to do Hacking Challenges and penetation testing (e.g. at WeChall).
I am the inventor of httoop, an object oriented HTTP library (for implementing HTTP servers, clients, caches and proxies) focusing on strict compliance, security, object orientation, simplicity in use, using strictly the vocabulary of HTTP instead of inventing own things and not doing extra things and workarounds. It's the best HTTP library I've seen in the Python world so far. As I am miserable in marketing, there are only a few users yet.
I am maintainer of circuits. Circuits is a Lightweight Event driven and Asynchronous Application Framework for the Python Programming Language with a strong Component Architecture. A project which exists long before asyncio - but nowadays isn't as modern as these frameworks - maybe we can catch up somewhen.
While circuits
has a circuits.web
I created a different Implementation called circuits.http
using my httoop project as basis.
This focused on more explicit request routing and simplifies implementing all HTTP
functionalities and REST
I am a heavy user of Linux, Python, vim, sway/i3-wm. My configration files are available as Debian package at dotfiles.