- Binary search tree
- AVL tree
- Red-Black tree
K - the key type
V - the value type
N - the node type of the tree
TreeInterface<K : Comparable<K>, V>
defines the basic operations for working with search trees:
✭ search(key: K): V?
- searches for values by key.
- If the key is found, it returns its value.
- If the key is not found returns null.
✭ insert(key: K, value: V)
- inserts a new key with the specified value into the tree.
- If such a key already exists in the tree, an exception: "IllegalArgumentException" is thrown.
- If such a key and value pair already exists in the tree, an exception: "IllegalArgumentException" is thrown.
✭ remove(key: K)
- removes the specified key from the tree
- If the key is not found in the tree, an exception: "NoSuchElementException" is thrown.
✭ getKeys(): List<K>
- gets a list of all keys in ascending order.
- Returns a list of keys
- If the tree is empty, it returns empty list.
✭ getValues(): List<V>
- gets a list of all values in ascending order of their corresponding keys.
- Returns a list of values
- If the tree is empty, it returns empty list.
✭ getMinKey(): K?
- gets the minimum key in the tree
- Returns the minimum key in the tree
- If the tree is empty, returns null.
✭ getMaxKey(): K?
- gets the maximum key in the tree
- Returns the maximum key in the tree
- If the tree is empty, returns null.
✭ insert(list: List<Pair<K, V>>)
- inserts multiple keys and specified values in the order in which they appear in the specified list.
✭ remove(list: List<K>)
- removes multiple keys in the order in which they appear in the specified list.
✭ replaceValue(key: K, newValue: V)
- replaces the value of the specified key with the specified one
- If the key is not in the tree, an exception: "NoSuchElementException" is thrown
✭ clean()
- completely clears the entire tree, removing all keys
❀Kotlin version for JVM: 1.9.22
❀Kotlin Test Framework
Kotest Runner for JUnit 5 (JVM)
❀JVM 21
val avlTree = AVLTreeSearch<Int, String>()
avlTree.insert(listOf(1 to "one", 2 to "two", 3 to "three", 4 to "four", 5 to "five"))
val keyRemove = avlTree.getMaxKey()
for(i in avlTree.getValues()) {
val tree = BinaryTreeSearch<Int, String>()
tree.insert(45, "apple")
tree.insert(30, "banana")
tree.insert(65, "apricot")
tree.insert(50, "lemon")
val keyRemove = tree.getMinKey()
for(i in tree.getKeys()) {
tree.replaceValue(65, "orange")
val rbTree = RedBlackTreeSearch<Int, String>()
rbTree.insert(1, "bicycle")
rbTree.insert(2, "motorcycle")
rbTree.insert(3, "car")
rbTree.insert(4, "ship")
rbTree.insert(5, "plane")
Exception in thread "main" java.util.NoSuchElementException: The key: 6 was not found in the tree.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
❤️ All trees and tests are implemented
- Nabieva Liya♡
- Tenyaeva Ekaterina♡
- Migunova Anastasia♡