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Max Patiiuk edited this page Mar 20, 2023 · 18 revisions

Specify 7 Issue Workflow

This document formally documents the workflow of using the GitHub issue tracker for handling Specify 7 bugs and feature requests.

Square brackets before a sentence indicate whose responsibility it is (UX Team, Developers, or Leadership)



  • UX Team - User Experience Team; responsible for making sure the implementation complies with the requirements and that it is intuitive.
  • Developers/Dev Testing - Developers involved in the project. Generally, if a pull request is assigned to a Dev Testing team, it should be revied by somebody other than the person opening the pull request.
  • Leadership - people in charge of setting priorities and evaluating ideas. Everyone is considered a leadership team member during the priorities meeting.

Notice, the teams may overlay and one person can be a member of multiple teams. Teams are primarily meant to set expectations about responsibilities.

Git Branches and Tags

Git Branches and Tags point to the point in the history of the source code.

  • Feature - can be named like issue-### where ### is the issue ID in case of small features and bug fixed, or more descriptive, like query-list-refactor, for bigger branches. Ideally, feature branches should be short-lived and get rebased onto production branch through pull requests within 2 weeks from getting open.
  • production - the bleeding edge; contains all features and bug fixes that passed testing. All feature branches are rebased into this branch.
  • Tag - once a month, production branch undergoes general testing, at which point it is tagged and a new version number is assigned.

DockerHub Tags

DockerHub tags point to the built image of a certain Specify 7 version.

Each Git branch and Git tag gets a tag in DockerHub with the same name. The only exception is production, which is called edge.

Issue Creation

[UX Team] New issues should follow the "Bug Report" or "Feature Request" template. All applicable fields in the template should be filled out. In case of bugs, the issue description should include information on how to test the fix and what is the expected behaviour.

It is recommended that issues are created using

If an issue needs to be ignored and hidden from the list during the priorities meeting, remove the pri:unknown label

(optional) [UX Team or Developers] Additionally, issues can be assigned to one or multiple projects either as soon as they are created, or during the priorities meetings.

Newly assigned issues automatically appear in the Unsorted column of the project board.


[Leadership] Every Monday there should be a brief priorities meeting to identify the issues that should be fixed, and which of those must be fixed the same week. Go over all the issues that have a pri:unknown label:

[Leadership] These issues should be assigned to projects, if they are not assigned yet, and moved into the To Do column in each project. Additionally, it should be added to either Front-End Backlog or Back-End Backlog projects. Then Priority and Size values should be filled out

[Developers] Developers must go over all Urgent and High priority issues in the backlog projects and prioritize fixing them. If small issues come up during the week, they can be fixed without consulting the Leadership team.


[Developers] It is recommended that each issue is fixed on a separate branch and that a draft pull request is opened for each issue that reaches this stage (don't forget to link the pull request to an issue).

[Developers] In some cases, multiple issues can be linked to single pull requests. For example, if one change fixes multiple issues, or there are multiple small issues (design changes, typos). Though, we should aim not to have giant pull requests, as those are hard to test and review. That would also help keep branches from diverging too much. Also, a maximum of 10 issues can be linked to a single pull requests


[Developers] After the issue is fixed, it is moved into the Ready on branch column (or Testing depending on the project).

[Developers] The draft pull request is converted into a regular pull request. Developers are responsible for rebasing the feature branch of production before it gets tested.

[Developers and/or UX Team] Pull requests must be assigned to at least one member from the Dev Testing and UX Testing team, if applicable (it depends on the nature of the code changes).

Dev Testing team is responsible for code review, while UX Testing verifies the behavior of the feature.

Dev Testing team is supposed to review pull requests assigned to them after automated tests have passed.

After testing the change, the pull request should either be approved or rejected. If it is approved, it may be appropriate to add a brief description of how it was tested. If it is rejected, steps taken to reproduce the issue would be helpful.

If a pull request is rejected, go back to the "Fixing" stage. Later, when testing, UX Testing team may want to look at the comment attached to the previous review.

List of pull requests assigned for approval by Dev Testing team.

Once Dev Testing team approves changes, or if a pull request does not require a review from the Dev Testing team, the pull request is automatically deployed to the test server. UX Testing team members should open the test server once a day to verify outstanding pull requests.


After the Dev Testing team and the UX Testing team approved the issue and automated tests are completed successfully, the issue is automatically rebased onto the production branch.

The production branch always has the most recent bug fixes and issues improvements.

Once a month, production branch undergoes general testing, at which point it is tagged and a new version number is assigned.

Users should always update to the latest tagged version. If there is a bug on the tagged version and, after being reported, it gets fixed on the production branch, the user should update to the edge DockerHub tag


After an issue is fully fixed and tested, it needs to be added to an appropriate milestone. The milestone corresponds to a Specify 7 version that this issue fix would be included in.

There are two milestones for each Specify 7 version.

For example, for the 7.7.0 release, there is a 7.7.0 milestone and the 7.7.0 (internal bugs) milestone.

The first one is for all issues that can potentially go into release notes or would potentially be interesting to a casual user. These would be feature additions or major bug fixes. A link to this milestone should be included in an announcement for a new release.

Everything else should go into the internal bugs milestone. This would include all small feature additions that are not important enough to be included in release notes, fixes of bugs that did not affect everyone or issues that have been introduced in the process of development of the new release.

Thanks to these two milestones, you will always be able to see what Specify 7 version an issue belongs too, and how many bugs have been fixed in total in a given release.

After the issue is in an appropriate milestone, the issue can be closed.

After a release is made, the milestone should be closed.