AWS Server IP: key file: was.pem
Login: ssh -i was.pem [email protected]. (on the was.pem directory)
start data: ./mongod Data Directory : ../data
look up data: mongon
some command: show dbs; show collections; db.$collections.find();
How to start server???
- after log in AWS linux: install node 10 nvm install node 10
- start db: ./mongod
- start node: nodemon
node version: v10.12.0 above 10 is fine npm: 6.4.1
Fold: Controller: endpoint design (API), router webpage and send response public: store js , css and picture etc, which is needed by HTML file. views: purge ejs(the same as html) file, just only just show webpage outlook. Models: database scheme define and other database related function
//clones entire github ece513 repository git clone
//updates your local copy git pull
//adds files to git staging area git add
//commits changes to your local checkout git commit -m "my message"
//pushes to the cloud repository git push
//git cheat sheet for anything else