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How your data is stored

Sean Lewis edited this page Jul 29, 2022 · 13 revisions

Practicemode stores several things in files. If switching to a new server, you should copy these files along so you don't lose all your saved data. The files are saved on map changes, anytime a user disconnects.

Grenade positions

Grenade positions are all stored in keyvalues files in the addons/sourcemod/data/practicemode/grenades directory as of 1.1.0.

Previously, there were saved in addons/sourcemod/data/practicemode_grenades.

Spawn names

Spawn names are stored in a keyvalues file in addons/sourcemod/data/practicemode/spawns.

Bot replay files

Replay data is stored across two directories:

  • The individual botmimic replay recording files are under addons/sourcemod/data/botmimic/replays
  • Metadata files created by practicemode (storing the replay name, etc.) are under addons/sourcemod/data/practicemode/replays

Backing things up

Since 1.2.0, the last 30 revisions of each map's nade data file is automatically backed up. Check the backups directory in addons/sourcemod/data/practicemode/grenades/backups to find them.

Moving data to a new server

Save the addons/sourcemod/data/practicemode directory. Copy it to the new server.

Just copying the entire addons directory may be be easier as well - that copies your entire SourceMod installation and all plugins/configs.