A Google Maps driven view of the liquor license distribution in Spokane. Currently hosted at: https://aquavitaespokane-gupocca.rhcloud.com
- Show the density of liquor licenses in Spokane
- Filter the licenses by type
- Filter the licenses by their distance from a given location
- Provide metrics to measure DUI/Underage drinking/disorderly conduct arrests for areas
- Improve the distribution of new liquor licenses
- Prevent the over-distribution of licenses in an area based on licenses/area and licenses/population
- Improve patrols in problem areas for DUIs, underage drinking, & disorderly conduct
- Determine value of liquor licenses based on utilization
Liquor Data: https://data.wa.gov/Economics/Washington-Liquor-Retailers/qkyd-8yuq
Crime Data: http://www.spokanecity.org/services/gis/data
- Anonymous DUI Arrests Records (locations, time of data)
- Traffic Ticket Metrics (speeding, stop light cameras, etc.)
- Accident Reports
- Neighborhood Populations