title | toc | date |
6 Command Pattern |
false |
2017-10-30 |
The Command Pattern(命令模式) encapsulates a request as an object, thereby letting you parameterize other objects with different requests, queue or log requests, and support undoable operations.
The class diagram:
- The Client is responsible for creating a ConcreateCommand and setting its Receiver.
- The Receiver knows how to perform the work needed to carry out the request. Any class can act as a Receiver.
- Command declares an interface for all commands. A command is invoked through its execute() method, which asks a receiver to perform an action.
- The Invoker holds a command and at some point asks the command to carry out a request by calling its execute method.
The remote control is our Invoker. When a button is pressed, the execute() method is going to be called on the corresponding command, which results in actions being invoked on the receiver (like lights, celling fans).
- The RemoteLoader creates a number of Command Objects that are loaded into the slots of the Remote Control. Each command object encapsulates a request of a home automation device.
- The RemoteControl manages a set of Command objects, one per button. When a button is pressed, the corresponding ButtonWasPushed method on the command.
- All RemoteControl commands implement the Command interface, which consists of one method: execute. Commands encapsulates a set of actions on a specific vendor class. The remote invokes these actions by calling the execute() method.
public interface Command {
public void execute();
public void undo();
public class LightOffCommand implements Command{
private Light light;
public LightOffCommand (Light light) {
this.light = light;
public void execute () {
public void undo() {light.on();}
public class LightOnCommand implements Command {
private Light light;
public LightOnCommand (Light light) {
this.light = light;
public void execute () {
public void undo() {light.off();}
public class NoCommand implements Command {
public NoCommand() { }
public void execute() { }
public void undo() { }
public class RemoteControl {
private final int NUMSLOT = 7;
private Command[] onCommands;
private Command[] offCommands;
private Command undoCommand;
public RemoteControl() {
onCommands = new Command[NUMSLOT];
offCommands = new Command[NUMSLOT];
for (int i=0; i< NUMSLOT; i++) {
onCommands[i] = new NoCommand();
offCommands[i] = new NoCommand();
undoCommand = new NoCommand();
public void setCommand (int slot,
Command onCommand, Command offCommand) {
onCommands[slot] = onCommand;
offCommands[slot] = offCommand;
public void onButtonWasPushed(int slot) {
undoCommand = onCommands[slot];
public void offButtonWasPushed(int slot) {
undoCommand = offCommands[slot];
public void undoButtonWasPushed() {
public String toString() {
StringBuilder descritption = new StringBuilder();
descritption.append("\n------ Remote Control -------\n");
for (int i = 0; i < NUMSLOT; i++) {
descritption.append("[slot " + i + "] " + onCommands[i].getClass().getSimpleName()
+ " " + offCommands[i].getClass().getSimpleName() + "\n");
return descritption.toString();
public class RemoteLoader {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Light light = new Light();
Stereo stereo = new Stereo();
RemoteControl remoteControl = new RemoteControl();
new LightOnCommand(light), new LightOffCommand(light));
remoteControl.setCommand(1, new StereoOnWithCDCommand(stereo),
new StereoOffWithCDCommand(stereo));
Runnable interface uses command pattern. It allows the thread pool to execute the command even though the thread pool class itself was written without any knowledge of the specific tasks for which it would be used.
public interface Runnable {
public abstract void run();
public interface Executor {
void execute(Runnable command);
class SerialExecutor implements Executor {
private final Queue<Runnable> tasks = new ArrayDeque<>();
private final Executor executor;
private Runnable active;
SerialExecutor(Executor executor) {
this.executor = executor;
public synchronized void execute(Runnable r) {
tasks.add(() -> {
try {
} finally {
if (active == null) {
protected synchronized void scheduleNext() {
if ((active = tasks.poll()) != null) {