- 1 Strategy Pattern
- 2 Observer Pattern
- 3 Decorator Pattern
- 4 Factory Pattern
- 5 Singleton Pattern
- 6 Command Pattern
- 7 Adapter and Facade Pattern
- 8 Template Method Pattern
- 9 Iterator and Composite Pattern
- 10 State Pattern
- 11 Proxy Pattern
- 12 Compound Patterns
- 13 Better Living with Patterns
- 14 Builder Pattern
- 15 Chain Of Responsibility
- 1 Dive in A Quick Dip
- 2 Classes and Objects
- 3 Primitives and references
- 4 Methods use instance variables
- 5 Writing a Program
- 6 Get to know the Java API
- 7 Inheritance and polymorphism
- 8 Interfaces and Abstract Classes
- 9 Constructors and Garbage Collection
- 10 Numbers and Statics
- 11 Exception Handling
- 12 Getting GUI
- 13 Using Swing
- 14 Serialization and File IO
- 15 Networking and Threads
- 16 Collections and Generics
- 17 Packages, Jars and Deployment
- 18 Remote deploy with RMI
- 19 Appendix
- Future模式
- 序章一 Java线程
- 序章二 多线程程序的评价标准
- 1 Single Threaded Execution模式
- 2 Immutable模式
- 3 Guarded Suspension模式
- 4 Balking模式
- 5 Producer-Consumer模式
- 6 Read-Write Lock模式
- Ajax
- Head First Servlets and JSP
- Java Web
- JavaScript
- MyBatis
- Spring
- Tomcat
- jQuery
- 人员信息管理系统
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Creating and Destroying Objects
- 3 Methods Common to All Objects
- 4 Classes and interfaces
- 5 Generics
- 6 Enums and Annotations
- 7 Lambdas and Streams
- 8 Methods
- 9 General Programming
- 10 Exceptions
- 11 Concurrency
- 12 Serialization
- 1 走进Java
- 2 Java内存区域与内存溢出正常
- 3 垃圾收集器与内存分配策略
- 4 虚拟机性能监控与故障处理工具
- 5 调优案例分析与实战
- 6 类文件结构
- 7 虚拟机类加载机制
- 8 虚拟机字节码执行引擎
- 9 类加载及执行子系统的案例与实战
- 10 早期(Java/深入理解Java虚拟机/编译期)优化
- 11 晚期(Java/深入理解Java虚拟机/运行期)优化
- 12 Java内存模型与线程
- 13 线程安全与锁优化
- 14 AppendixC
- 1 简介
- 2 对象导论
- 3 Everything is an Object
- 4 Operators
- 5 Controlling Execution
- 6 初始化和管理
- 7 Access Control
- 8 复用类
- 9 多态
- 10 接口
- 11 Inner Classes
- 12 Holding Your Objects
- 13 通过异常处理错误
- 14 String
- 15 类型信息
- 16 泛型
- 17 Arrays
- 18 Containers in Depth
- 19 IO
- 20 枚举类型
- 21 注解
- 22 并发
- 23 Graphical User Interfaces
- Topic 1 - Union Find
- Topic 2 - Stacks and Queues
- Topic 3 - Sorting
- Topic 4 - Priority Queues
- Topic 5 - Symbol Tables
- Topic 6 - Balanced Search Trees
- Topic 7 - Hash Table
- Topic 8 - Graph
- Topic 9 - Minimum Spanning Tree and Shortest Path
- Topic 11 - String Sort
- Topic 12 - Tries
- 1 Intro to ML
- 2 Decision Tree learning
- 3 Probability and Estimation
- 4 Naive Bayes
- 5 Gaussian Naive Bayes
- 6 Logistic Regression
- 7 Linear Regression
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Operating System structures
- 3 Processes
- 4 Threads and Concurrency
- 5 CPU Scheduling
- 6 Synchronization Tools
- 7 Synchronization Examples
- 8 DeadLocks
- 9 Virtual Memory
- 10 Virtual Memory
- 11 Mass-Storage Structure
- 13 File System Interface
- 17 Protection
- 1 Introduction to Data Analysis with Spark
- 2 Downloading Spark and Getting Started
- 3 Programming with RDDs
- 4 Working with Key Value Pairs
- 5 Loading and Saving Your Data
- 6 Advanced Spark Programming
- 7 Running on a Cluster**
- 8 Tuning and Debugging Spark
- 9 Spark SQL
- 10 Spark Streaming
- 11 Machine Learning with MLlib
- 1 Meet Hadoop
- 2 MapReduce
- 3 The Hadoop Distributed FileSystem
- 4 YARN
- 5 Hadoop IO
- 6 Developing a MapReduce Application
- 7 How MapReduce Works
- 8 MapReduce Types and Formats
- 9 MapReduce Features
- 10 Setting Up a Hadoop Cluster
- 11 Adminstering Hadoop
- 12 Avro
- 13 Parquet
- 14 Flume
- 15 Sqoop
- 16 Pig
- 17 Hive
- 18 Crunch
- 19 Spark
- 20 HBase
- 21 ZooKeeper
- 22 Composable Data at Center
- 23 Biological Data Science
- 24 Cascading