This directory contains the dotfiles for my system
Ensure you have the following installed on your system
pacman -S git stow
- Check out the dotfiles repo in your $HOME directory using
- Use GNU-Stow to create symlinks
git clone [email protected]/squishram/.dotfiles.git
cd .dotfiles
stow .
I am currently in the process of migrating to a declarative configuration using NixOS with flake and home-manager. These are the things I need to to, and the software I still need to install & configure.
- Configure a Flake
- Configure home-manager
- Zathura
- Bibtex
- Biber
- Unzip
- Go
- composer
- php
- javac
- java
- julia
- python
- pip
- venv
- cargo
- luarocks
- node
- xclip (for x11) or wl-copy & wl-paste (for wayland)
- pynvim