Online Quartermaster and Inventory System.
- Based around a hierarchical tree of nodes, some of which are assets.
- Assets are uniquely identified by one or more asset codes.
- Track asset models and manufacturers
- Multiple Asset Code Formats:
- Arbitrary String
- Human-friendly Asset Code format with Damm checksum
- REST API with OpenAPI Schema and Swagger docs
- Django Admin for back office access to data
- Track countable items, where only the quantity and location matter
- Powerful auditing engine
- Printer Support
- Report generation
- Barcode scanner support
The server only provides an API, so you will probably want to use one of the clients to access the data:
- pyinv-ui - Web UI
You can view documentation for the API at /api/v1/docs
PyInv requires Python 3.8 or higher.
The Django deployment guidelines are and should be used.
You need to copy
to pyinv/pyinv/
and configure your database and email settings.
You'll need to run a couple of management commands to get going:
./ migrate
./ createsuperuser