- Dynamic QC Sample Patterns: Create plate layouts with customizable QC sample patterns.
- Flexible Sample Distribution: Distribute samples within groups across plates, accommodating variable numbers of samples per group.
- Non-Split/Split Group Handling: Control over distributing samples within groups without splitting them over plates or splitting when necessary.
- Customizable Run Lists & Plate Visualizations: Generate run lists and visualize plate assignments.
- Block Randomization: Perform sample randomizaition or sample block randomization to prevent run order bias.
To install PlatePlanner, simply run:
pip install plate-planner
For more detailed documentation, visit PlatePlanner Documentation.
Here's a quick example of how to use PlatePlanner:
from plate-planner import Study, QCPlate
# Create a study and load your file with sample records (csv, xls/xlsx)
study_with_qc = Study(name="cancer")
# Block randomize groups
study_with_qc.randomize_order(case_control=True, reproducible=False)
# Distribute samples to a 96-well plate with QC samples as defined in the toml file
qc_plate = QCPlate(plate_dim=(8, 12), QC_config="./data/plate_config_dynamic.toml")
# Create visualization for plate 3
fig = study_with_qc[2].as_figure(
#mshow distribution of sample attribute across all plates
fig = study_with_qc.plot_attribute_plate_distributions(attribute="organ", normalize=True, plt_style="fivethirtyeight")
We welcome contributions to PlatePlanner! Please read our Contributing Guidelines for more information on how to get involved.
PlatePlanner is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.