- Name: usgs-nlcd
- Package:
- PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/stactools-usgs-nlcd/
- Owner: @sparkgeo
- Dataset homepage: http://example.com
- STAC extensions used:
This stactools-package contains classified land cover data for the lower 48 United States, with a spatial resolution of 30m. It spans from 2001 - 2019, with updates every ~2-3 years.
# Create a STAC Collection
stac usgsnlcd create-collection -d "/path/to/collection"
# ...creates "/path/to/collection.json"
# Create a STAC Item from the above COG
stac usgsnlcd create-item "/nlcd_2019_land_cover_l48_20210604_05_09.tif" "/path/to/directory"
# ...creates "/path/to/directory/nlcd_2019_land_cover_l48_20210604_05_09.json"
from stactools.usgs_nlcd import stac
# Create a STAC Collection
collection = stac.create_collection()
# Create a STAC Item
item = stac.create_item("/path/to/nlcd_cog_tile.tif")