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@github-actions github-actions released this 26 May 13:23
· 1135 commits to main since this release

Major Changes

  • #1045 7f3b84816 Thanks @davidkpiano! - - The third argument of machine.transition(state, event) has been removed. The context should always be given as part of the state.

    • There is a new method: machine.microstep(state, event) which returns the resulting intermediate State object that represents a single microstep being taken when transitioning from state via the event. This is the State that does not take into account transient transitions nor raised events, and is useful for debugging.

    • The property has been removed from the State object, and is replaced internally by state._internalQueue, which represents raised events to be processed in a macrostep loop. The state._internalQueue property should be considered internal (not used in normal development).

    • The state.historyValue property now more closely represents the original SCXML algorithm, and is a mapping of state node IDs to their historic descendent state nodes. This is used for resolving history states, and should be considered internal.

    • The stateNode.isTransient property is removed from StateNode.

    • The .initial property of a state node config object can now contain executable content (i.e., actions):

    // ...
    initial: {
      target: 'someTarget',
      actions: [/* initial actions */]
    • Assign actions (via assign()) will now be executed "in order", rather than automatically prioritized. They will be evaluated after previously defined actions are evaluated, and actions that read from context will have those intermediate values applied, rather than the final resolved value of all assign() actions taken, which was the previous behavior.

    This shouldn't change the behavior for most state machines. To maintain the previous behavior, ensure that assign() actions are defined before any other actions.

  • #1669 969a2f4fc Thanks @davidkpiano! - An error will be thrown if an initial state key is not specified for compound state nodes. For example:

    const lightMachine = createMachine({
      id: 'light',
      initial: 'green',
      states: {
        green: {},
        yellow: {},
        red: {
          // Forgotten initial state:
          // initial: 'walk',
          states: {
            walk: {},
            wait: {}

    You will get the error:

    No initial state specified for state node "". Try adding { initial: "walk" } to the state config.
  • #2294 c0a6dcafa Thanks @davidkpiano! - The machine's context is now restricted to an object. This was the most common usage, but now the typings prevent context from being anything but an object:

    const machine = createMachine({
      // This will produce the TS error:
      // "Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'object | undefined'"
      context: 'some string'

    If context is undefined, it will now default to an empty object {}:

    const machine = createMachine({
      // No context
    // => {}
  • #1260 172d6a7e1 Thanks @davidkpiano! - All generic types containing TContext and TEvent will now follow the same, consistent order:

    1. TContext
    2. TEvent
    3. ... All other generic types, including TStateSchema,TTypestate`, etc.
    -const service = interpret<SomeCtx, SomeSchema, SomeEvent>(someMachine);
    +const service = interpret<SomeCtx, SomeEvent, SomeSchema>(someMachine);
  • #1808 31bc73e05 Thanks @davidkpiano! - Renamed machine.withConfig(...) to machine.provide(...).

  • #878 e09efc720 Thanks @Andarist! - Removed third parameter (context) from Machine's transition method. If you want to transition with a particular context value you should create appropriate State using State.from. So instead of this - machine.transition('green', 'TIMER', { elapsed: 100 }), you should do this - machine.transition(State.from('green', { elapsed: 100 }), 'TIMER').

  • #1203 145539c4c Thanks @davidkpiano! - - The execute option for an interpreted service has been removed. If you don't want to execute actions, it's recommended that you don't hardcode implementation details into the base machine that will be interpreted, and extend the machine's options.actions instead. By default, the interpreter will execute all actions according to SCXML semantics (immediately upon transition).

    • Dev tools integration has been simplified, and Redux dev tools support is no longer the default. It can be included from xstate/devTools/redux:
    import { interpret } from 'xstate';
    import { createReduxDevTools } from 'xstate/devTools/redux';
    const service = interpret(someMachine, {
      devTools: createReduxDevTools({
        // Redux Dev Tools options

    By default, dev tools are attached to the global window.__xstate__ object:

    const service = interpret(someMachine, {
      devTools: true // attaches via window.__xstate__.register(service)

    And creating your own custom dev tools adapter is a function that takes in the service:

    const myCustomDevTools = service => {
      console.log('Got a service!');
      service.subscribe(state => {
        // ...
    const service = interpret(someMachine, {
      devTools: myCustomDevTools
    • These handlers have been removed, as they are redundant and can all be accomplished with .onTransition(...) and/or .subscribe(...):

      • service.onEvent()
      • service.onSend()
      • service.onChange()
    • The service.send(...) method no longer returns the next state. It is a void function (fire-and-forget).

    • The service.sender(...) method has been removed as redundant. Use service.send(...) instead.

  • #953 3de36bb24 Thanks @davidkpiano! - Support for getters as a transition target (instead of referencing state nodes by ID or relative key) has been removed.

    The Machine() and createMachine() factory functions no longer support passing in context as a third argument.

    The context property in the machine configuration no longer accepts a function for determining context (which was introduced in 4.7). This might change as the API becomes finalized.

    The activities property was removed from State objects, as activities are now part of invoke declarations.

    The state nodes will not show the machine's version on them - the version property is only available on the root machine node.

    The machine.withContext({...}) method now permits providing partial context, instead of the entire machine context.

  • #1443 9e10660ec Thanks @davidkpiano! - The in: ... property for transitions is removed and replaced with guards. It is recommended to use stateIn() and not(stateIn()) guard creators instead:

    + import { stateIn } from 'xstate/guards';
    // ...
    on: {
      SOME_EVENT: {
        target: 'somewhere',
    -   in: '#someState'
    +   cond: stateIn('#someState')
    // ...
  • #1456 8fcbddd51 Thanks @davidkpiano! - There is now support for higher-level guards, which are guards that can compose other guards:

    • and([guard1, guard2, /* ... */]) returns true if all guards evaluate to truthy, otherwise false
    • or([guard1, guard2, /* ... */]) returns true if any guard evaluates to truthy, otherwise false
    • not(guard1) returns true if a single guard evaluates to false, otherwise true
    import { and, or, not } from 'xstate/guards';
    const someMachine = createMachine({
      // ...
      on: {
        EVENT: {
          target: 'somewhere',
          guard: and([
            or([{ type: 'anotherGuard' }, not(() => false)])
  • #2824 515cdc9c1 Thanks @davidkpiano! - Actions and guards that follow eventless transitions will now receive the event that triggered the transition instead of a "null" event ({ type: '' }), which no longer exists:

    // ...
    states: {
      a: {
        on: {
          SOME_EVENT: 'b'
      b: {
        always: 'c'
      c: {
        entry: [(_, event) => {
          // event.type is now "SOME_EVENT", not ""
    // ...
  • #1240 6043a1c28 Thanks @davidkpiano! - The in: '...' transition property can now be replaced with stateIn(...) and stateNotIn(...) guards, imported from xstate/guards:

    import {
    + stateIn
    } from 'xstate/guards';
    const machine = createMachine({
      // ...
      on: {
        SOME_EVENT: {
          target: 'anotherState',
    -     in: '#someState',
    +     cond: stateIn('#someState')

    The stateIn(...) and stateNotIn(...) guards also can be used the same way as state.matches(...):

    // ...
      target: 'anotherState',
      cond: stateNotIn({ red: 'stop' })

    An error will now be thrown if the assign(...) action is executed when the context is undefined. Previously, there was only a warning.

    The SCXML event error.execution will be raised if assignment in an assign(...) action fails.

    Error events raised by the machine will be thrown if there are no error listeners registered on a service via service.onError(...).

  • #2824 6a6b2b869 Thanks @davidkpiano! - Eventless transitions must now be specified in the always: { ... } object and not in the on: { ... } object:

    someState: {
      on: {
        // Will no longer work
    -   '': { target: 'anotherState' }
    + always: { target: 'anotherState' }
  • #2484 0b49437b1 Thanks @davidkpiano! - Parameterized actions now require a params property:

    // ...
    entry: [
        type: 'greet',
    -   message: 'Hello'
    +   params: { message: 'Hello' }
    // ...
  • #987 0e24ea6d6 Thanks @davidkpiano! - The internal property will no longer have effect for transitions on atomic (leaf-node) state nodes. In SCXML, internal only applies to complex (compound and parallel) state nodes:

    Determines whether the source state is exited in transitions whose target state is a descendant of the source state. See 3.13 Selecting and Executing Transitions for details.

    // ...
    green: {
      on: {
        NOTHING: {
    -     target: 'green',
    -     internal: true,
          actions: doSomething
  • #987 04e89f90f Thanks @davidkpiano! - The history resolution algorithm has been refactored to closely match the SCXML algorithm, which changes the shape of state.historyValue to map history state node IDs to their most recently resolved target state nodes.

  • #2882 0096d9f7a Thanks @davidkpiano! - The state.history property has been removed. This does not affect the machine "history" mechanism.

    Storing previous state should now be done explicitly:

    let previousState;
    const service = interpret(someMachine)
      .onTransition(state => {
        // previousState represents the last state here
        // ...
        // update the previous state at the end
        previousState = state;
  • #1456 8fcbddd51 Thanks @davidkpiano! - BREAKING: The cond property in transition config objects has been renamed to guard. This unifies terminology for guarded transitions and guard predicates (previously called "cond", or "conditional", predicates):

    someState: {
      on: {
        EVENT: {
          target: 'anotherState',
    -     cond: 'isValid'
    +     guard: 'isValid'
  • #2060 b200e0e0b Thanks @davidkpiano! - The Machine() function has been removed. Use the createMachine() function instead.

    -import { Machine } from 'xstate';
    +import { createMachine } from 'xstate';
    -const machine = Machine({
    +const machine = createMachine({
      // ...
  • #3148 7a68cbb61 Thanks @davidkpiano! - spawn is no longer importable from xstate. Instead you get it in assign like this:

    assign((ctx, ev, { spawn }) => {
      return {
        actorRef: spawn(promiseActor)

    In addition to that, you can now spawn actors defined in your implementations object, in the same way that you were already able to do that with invoke. To do that just reference the defined actor like this:

  • #2869 9437c3de9 Thanks @davidkpiano! - The service.batch(events) method is no longer available.

  • #2191 0038c7b1e Thanks @davidkpiano! - The StateSchema type has been removed from all generic type signatures.

  • #3148 7a68cbb61 Thanks @davidkpiano! - EmittedFrom type helper has been renamed to SnapshotFrom.

  • #1163 390eaaa52 Thanks @davidkpiano! - Breaking: The state.children property is now a mapping of invoked actor IDs to their ActorRef instances.

    Breaking: The way that you interface with invoked/spawned actors is now through ActorRef instances. An ActorRef is an opaque reference to an Actor, which should be never referenced directly.

    Breaking: The origin of an SCXML.Event is no longer a string, but an ActorRef instance.

  • #3148 7a68cbb61 Thanks @davidkpiano! - The services option passed as the second argument to createMachine(config, options) is renamed to actors. Each value in actors should be a function that takes in context and event and returns a [behavior](TODO: link) for an actor. The provided behavior creators are:

    • fromMachine
    • fromPromise
    • fromCallback
    • fromObservable
    • fromEventObservable
    import { createMachine } from 'xstate';
    +import { fromPromise } from 'xstate/actors';
    const machine = createMachine(
        // ...
        invoke: {
          src: 'fetchFromAPI'
    -   services: {
    +   actors: {
    -     fetchFromAPI: (context, event) => {
    +     fetchFromAPI: (context, event) => fromPromise(() => {
            // ... (return a promise)
  • #878 e09efc720 Thanks @Andarist! - Support for compound string state values has been dropped from Machine's transition method. It's no longer allowed to call transition like this - machine.transition('a.b', 'NEXT'), instead it's required to use "state value" representation like this - machine.transition({ a: 'b' }, 'NEXT').

  • #898 025a2d6a2 Thanks @davidkpiano! - - Breaking: activities removed (can be invoked)

    Since activities can be considered invoked services, they can be implemented as such. Activities are services that do not send any events back to the parent machine, nor do they receive any events, other than a "stop" signal when the parent changes to a state where the activity is no longer active. This is modeled the same way as a callback service is modeled.

  • #878 e09efc720 Thanks @Andarist! - Removed previously deprecated config properties: onEntry, onExit, parallel and forward.

  • #2876 c99bb43af Thanks @davidkpiano! - Typings for Typestate have been removed. The reason for this is that types for typestates needed to be manually specified, which is unsound because it is possible to specify impossible typestates; i.e., typings for a state's value and context that are impossible to achieve.

  • #2840 fc5ca7b7f Thanks @davidkpiano! - Invoked/spawned actors are no longer available on service.children - they can only be accessed from state.children.

  • #1811 5d16a7365 Thanks @davidkpiano! - Prefix wildcard event descriptors are now supported. These are event descriptors ending with ".*" which will match all events that start with the prefix (the partial event type before ".*"):

    // ...
    on: {
      '': {/* ... */},
      // Matches events such as:
      // "pointer.move"
      // "pointer.move.out"
      // "pointer"
      'pointer.*': {/* ... */}
    // ...

    Note: wildcards are only valid as the entire event type ("*") or at the end of an event type, preceded by a period (".*"):

    • "*"
    • "event.*"
    • "event.something.*"
    • "event.*.something"
    • "event*"
    • "event*.some*thing"
    • "*.something"
  • #1456 8fcbddd51 Thanks @davidkpiano! - The interface for guard objects has changed. Notably, all guard parameters should be placed in the params property of the guard object:

    Example taken from Custom Guards:

    -cond: {
    +guard: {
    - name: 'searchValid', // `name` property no longer used
      type: 'searchValid',
    - minQueryLength: 3
    + params: {
    +   minQueryLength: 3
    + }
  • #1054 53a594e9a Thanks @Andarist! - Machine#transition no longer handles invalid state values such as values containing non-existent state regions. If you rehydrate your machines and change machine's schema then you should migrate your data accordingly on your own.

  • #1002 31a0d890f Thanks @Andarist! - Removed support for service.send(type, payload). We are using send API at multiple places and this was the only one supporting this shape of parameters. Additionally, it had not strict TS types and using it was unsafe (type-wise).

Minor Changes

  • #3148 7a68cbb61 Thanks @davidkpiano! - onSnapshot is now available for invoke configs. You can specify a transition there to be taken when a snapshot of an invoked actor gets updated. It works similarly to onDone/onError.

  • #1041 b24e47b9e Thanks @Andarist! - Support for specifying states deep in the hierarchy has been added for the initial property. It's also now possible to specify multiple states as initial ones - so you can enter multiple descandants which have to be parallel to each other. Keep also in mind that you can only target descendant states with the initial property - it's not possible to target states from another regions.

    Those are now possible:

      initial: '#some_id',
      initial: ['#some_id', '#another_id'],
      initial: { target: '#some_id' },
      initial: { target: ['#some_id', '#another_id'] },
  • #1028 0c6cfee9a Thanks @Andarist! - Added support for expressions to cancel action.

  • #898 c9cda27cb Thanks @davidkpiano! - Added interop observable symbols to ActorRef so that actor refs are compatible with libraries like RxJS.