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An R package for fitting parametric spatial and spatio-temporal models with INLA

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SpaceTimeModels - An R package for fitting parametric spatial and spatio-temporal models with INLA


The SpaceTimeModels R package provides a simplified interface for parametrizing a few "standard" spatial and spatio-temporal models with R-INLA. The models enable parametric (ie. the unknown parameters are estimated from the data) smoothing over space and time and quantifying effect of covariates on response.


Things close in space and time often resemble each other. We can observe this e.g. in nature where large scale processes such as climate and geomorphic processes shape biological processes. For example, coniferous trees have been adapted to cool climate and found more than deciduous that are more prevalent in warm climate conditions. Due to dependencies in the underlying processes, measurements obtained close to each other tend to predict each other better than distant ones. This degree of similarity is known as autocorrelation, i.e. the correlation within a process itself.

From the statistical modelling point of view, dependency in data can cause estimates obtained from a model with assumed indepedence to be biased, e.g. the model provides too small p-values. Several approaches for spatial and spatio-temporal data have been developed to take autocorrelation properly into account.

Since there often are no repeated measurements available that would allow estimating autocorrelation structure directly, several assumptions are made. These often include specifying a neighborhood structure (e.g. the observations depend on each other as a function of distance), stationarity (variance is constant across space/time) and isotropy (independence of direction in space).

Discrete and continuous data

Data in space and time can be indexed in several ways. Discrete data is defined in a subset of specific values such as time in years indexed $t=1, 2, \dots, T$ or areas $s=1, 2, \dots, S$ separated by boundaries. Continous data is index by any values within a range such as $t\in[1,T]$, where there are infinitely many time points within this range. Similarly, continuous space has infinitely many locations enclosed by some boundary (like a study area) $\Omega$, i.e. $s\in\Omega$. The package provides model classes for combinations of discrete and continuous data for space and time.


The following model classes are currently implemented in the package:

  • DiscreteSpaceModel for discrete spatial data
  • ContinuousSpaceModel for continuous spatial data
  • ContinuousSpaceDiscreteTimeModel for continuous spatial and discrete temporal data
  • ContinuousSpaceContinuousTimeModel for continuous spatial and continuous temporal data

Continuous models

Specifying continuous models require specifying an estimation mesh. Estimates are provided at the mesh nodes and estimates at the observation or prediction locations are interpolated from the node estimates. A higher number of nodes improves the estimation results, but increases computational time.

The following mesh classes are currently implemented in the package:

  • TemporalMesh for temporal data
  • SpatialMesh for spatial data
  • NonConvexHullMesh for spatial data for creating a non-convex hull around the observations

The continuous spatial models assume that dependencies between the mesh nodes are specified as a function of distance with unknown scale and variance parameters to be estimated from the data. The function is of Matérn class, described in more detail in the reference.

Discrete models

Discrete models are specified with a neighborhood structure. For time, it is often assumed that the current time point $t$ depends on the previous time point $t-1$ in some fashion. For example, the autoregressive model is of the form $y_t = \phi y_{t-1} + \epsilon$, where $\phi$ is the degree of dependency between subsequent observations and $\epsilon$ is the zero-centered Gaussian error term.

Regions are typically considered neighbors if they share the same border or are within certain radius from the centre points.

Please refer to the R-INLA documentation for more details of the autoregressive and the Besag models.


Test version of R-INLA is required to be installed first, see here for the installation instructions. The SpaceTimeModels package is installed with the devtools package using the commands


Additional packages are installed automatically from CRAN if needed. The package will be ready to use with the command library(SpaceTimeModels).


The assembly line for constructing the models is the following:

  1. Create model object.
  2. Specify mesh for continuous spatial models / Specify the neighborhood structure for discrete spatial models.
  3. Specify priors for space and time components. If omitted, default priors are used.
  4. Specify covariates or intercept only (smoothing-only model).
  5. Add
  • Add observation locations, time points, observed responses and covariates
  • Add validation locations, time points and covariates
  • Add prediction locations, time points and covariates
  1. Specify likelihood. If omitted, Gaussian likelihood is used as default.

Once the model is specified, the unknown parameters are ready to be estimated. Once the model is estimated, the results can be extract from the model object.

Continuous models

Model object

Objects are created with the new() method (constructor), for example, the model object

model <- SpaceTimeModels::ContinuousSpaceDiscreteTimeModel$new()


Due to numerical accuracy, spatial coordinates may need to be scaled down. For example, if the coordinates are such that $x=6100000$ and $y=50000$, $1000000$ should be added to $y$ to "match" with $x$. Furthermore, the coordinates should be scaled, e.g., by dividing by $1000000$ and thus obtaining $x=6.1$ and $y=1.05$, which INLA handles better.

Spatial mesh creation

Spatial mesh object is obtained, for example, with

mesh <- SpaceTimeModels::SpatialMesh$new(knots=knots, locDomain=borders, offset=c(10, 140), maxEdge=c(50, 1000), minAngle=c(26, 21), cutoff=0)

where knots provides coordinates for constructing the mesh. The knots object must be class of SpatialPoints from the sp package. Rest of the arguments specify topology of the mesh and are specific to type of the mesh. The arguments affect, for example, number of the nodes in the mesh. The mesh is found by a triangulation over the study area and the process should be completed rather quickly. However, the triangulation gets stuck sometimes and the INLA triangulation process or R has to be force-terminated (killed). A set of suitable mesh parameters is often found through iteration. It is adviced to run the models with a small number of mesh nodes first, especially with the spatio-temporal models, which may take relatively long time to estimate with large meshes.

The mesh parameters are listed in the help (which is obtained with R command ?x where x is the class name, e.g. ?NonConvexHullMesh) and explained in more detail in the reference, which the reader is adviced to go through.

The command mesh$plot() plots the mesh with the observation locations. Once created, the mesh is supplied for the model object with


Smoothing and covariate models

Smoothing or intercept-only model can be specified with the setSmoothingModel() method, which includes only an intercept and a spatial or spatio-temporal random effect in the model. Such models provide smoothed observations filtered from noise occuring in space (and time). Smoothing can be accomplised with e.g. kernel estimators as well. However, spatial scale is usually left to be specified by hand for the unparametric methods.

To estimate the effect of covariates, the models provide the setCovariatesModel method, which takes the following arguments:

  • covariatesModel specifying right-sided equation of the covariates to be included in the model.
  • covariates specifying the covariates data frame.

For example

model$setCovariatesModel(covariatesModel = ~ a + b, covariates = covariates)

To view the full specification of the linear part of the model, use the getLinearModel() method. This will also print the random effect term as supplied to R-INLA. The part for the covariates differs from the specified for the categorial variables (factors) as they are replaced by corresponding dummy variables. The dummy variables appear also in the results.

Data stacks

Observation, validation and prediction data is supplied in chunks that are tagged and stacked. Such design allows indexing the data so that the chunks can be later referenced by the tags. The chunks consist of coordinates, time indices (for spatio-temporal models), covariates (optional) and the observations for the observation chunk. The observations consist of responses and optionally offsets for count data. The following methods specify the data:

  • addObservationStack
  • addValidationStack
  • addPredictionStack

For spatio-temporal data, each of the methods take in the sp argument, which must be of class STI or STIDF from the spacetime package. For spatial data, the sp argument must be provided with an object of class SpatialPoints or SpatialPointsDataFrame from the sp package.

For example

model$addObservationStack(sp=obs, response=obs@data$response, offset=obs@data$offset, covariates=obs@data, tag="obs")
model$addValidationStack(sp=val, covariates=val@data, tag="val")
model$addPredictionStack(sp=pred, covariates=pred@data, tag="pred")




Discrete models





The models support various types of response data such as continuous (Gaussian), binary (binomial) and count (Poisson). The response data type is specified with


where x is the selected likelihood. Please refer to the R-INLA documentation for all supported likelihoods. When using count data likelihoods such as binomial and Poisson, the offset term is supplied for the stack methods method via the offset argument. Otherwise the offset is assumed to equal to 1. See the section Data stacks.

TODO: offset argument for discrete models etc.


Once the data and the model are specified, estimation is started with the estimate() method. Argument verbose=TRUE is recommended to be supplied to follow progress of the estimation. Note that the spatio-temporal models may take considerable amount of time and memory to be estimated.

Extracting results

The following methods provide basic summaries of the estimated models

  • summary() for overall summary of the model.
  • summarySpatialParameters() for summary of the spatial parameters.

To access the R-INLA result object directly, getResult() method is provided.

Model selection

Model selection can be performed with the same model object by respecifying the covariate model. However, for the continuous models the data stack needs to be reconstructed by first issuing the clearStack() method and then repeating the add*Stack() methods before estimation. The summary() method provides the WAIC measure for the model selection.

Saving and restoring model object

Model object can be saved using the standard save(model, file = fileName) command to a file pointed by fileName. Previously saved state can be restored from a file using the load(fileName) command. Note that if you have updated the SpaceTimeModels package in between, the restored object has the properties of the old one.


References and other supporting material


Jussi Jousimo, [email protected]


An R package for fitting parametric spatial and spatio-temporal models with INLA






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