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A small Chat Plugin for Paper to format the chat using MiniMessage!


This Plugin requires at least Paper 1.16.5 to function! This Plugin requires LuckPerms to function! Place the jarfile into the plugins folder. Use the LuckPerms Meta manager to set the chatformat in MiniMessage format!


    key: minichat.meta # The Meta key used to retrieve the chat format for the user.
    fallback: "<gray><name>: <message></gray>" #If no format is available, this format will be used.

Meta Examples

/lp group admin meta setprefix "<white>[</white><dark_red>ADMIN</dark_red><white>]</white>"
/lp group admin meta set minichat.format "<prefix> <red><name></red>: <white><message></white>"
/lp group default meta set minichat.format "<gray>[Member] <name>: <message></gray>

Default Placeholders

MiniChat provides several placeholders:

  • name
  • message
  • prefix
  • suffix
  • displayName
  • teamDisplayName

Custom Placeholders

It is possible to define custom placeholders. To do this, add the MiniChat as a dependency to your plugin and use the Services manager to acquire an instance of the MiniChat interface.

MiniChat is available through GitHub packages.


Custom Placeholder Example

import dev.steyn.minichat.api.MiniChat;
import dev.steyn.minichat.api.Placeholder;
import net.kyori.adventure.text.Component;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredServiceProvider;

class YourPlugin extends JavaPlugin {

    public void onEnable() {
        RegisteredServiceProvider<MiniChat> service = Bukkit.getServicesManager()
        MiniChat miniChat = service.getProvider();
        miniChat.addPlaceholder(this, "team", p -> Component.text("Team1"));